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little water as will cover them; let them coddle, and when the lower sides are done turn them. Observe that they do not lie too close when put in. If you wish the jelly to be red mix some pounded cochi­neal with the water and boil with the fruit; when sufficiently done, take them out of the dish that they are to be served in, the stalk downwards. Take the water and make a rich jelly of it with loaf sugar, boiling the thin rind and juice of a lemon. When come to a jelly let it grow cold and put it on and among the apples; cut the peel of a lemon in narrow strips and across the eye of the apple. Take care that the color be fine at first, or the fruit will not after­wards gain it. Use as little cochineal as will serve best, or the syrup will have a bitter taste.
Jelly of GooseBERRIEs.—Let them be of the right crystal sort, dead ripe; plump through a hair sieve, keeping back all the seeds and hulls; then put the pulp into a preserving pan or skillet with al­most its weight in the best white sugar; boil it together over a clear lire, keeping it stirred till it is quite thick and will jelly, then put it into glasses without further straining.
Jellied Grapes—(Mrs. Lewis.)—One-third cup of rice, 2 cups of grapes, 1-2 cup of water, and 2 spoonfuls of white sugar dust; sprinkle the rice and sugar among the grapes while placing them in a dish; pour on the water, cover close and simmer 2 hours slowly in the oven. Serve cream for sauce or as cold pudding. If served as warm as pudding increase slightly the proportion of sugar and rice.
Currant Jelly either Red or Black.—Take 1 lb. of double refined sugar put into a skillet or an enameled stew pan with just enough water to moisten it, boil it up and clarify with the white of an egg, skim it clean, then put in the juice of 1 quart of currants and boil it till you think it will jelly, then strain through a muslin bag into glasses; pour a little brandy on the top of each and tie over them a double paper. Some put a little brandy on the top of them and sprinkle sugar over that and tie down ; some dip a piece of tissue paper in brandy, and over that a piece of light brown paper dip­ped in gum arabic water, then tie down.
Wine Jelly.—Dissolve 2 medium sized boxes of Cox's galatine in 1 quart of boiling water; add another pint and a half of cold wa­ter, 2 pounds of white crushed sugar, 1 pint of sherry wine and tne juice and grated rind of 3 lemons.
Note—How valuable this recipe for the sick patient when it can be prepared in so short a time, instead of the long waiting, as in other modes, which to the poor sufferer seems lengthened for an eternity.
Strawberries Preserved in Honey.—Drop large, not quite ripe