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of 2 or 3 eggs, candied lemon and orange peel, 1 ounce each, a lit­tle ginger, nutmeg and allspice. Some add to this the lean meat of the hog chopped fine or pounded. As it is but a homely dish a plain crust will suffice made of lard or drippings, with the addition of a little butter. However plain the ingredients a good cook will make it light and well flavored. The crust should be raised and is usually baked in a pudding dish; if preferred may be made in small tins or saucers.
Sweet Bread Pie.—Lay a puff paste 1-2 inch thick at the bottom of a dish and forcemeat around the sides; then put the batter in a mould or on a dish, leaving a hole in the middle for sweet breads, or fragments of fine chopped chicken. If wanted brown, bake it in a mould; when done take out the inside sufficiently to admit the ragout
Tomato Meat Pie.—Cover the bottom of a pudding dish with stale bread crumbs, then have some cold mutton chopped fine ; make a layer of this on the crumbs, then a layer of sliced ripe tomatoes, then over this a layer of bread crumbs, another of meat and then a layer of sliced tomatoes, then cover with bread crumbs and bake un­til the crust is a beautiful brown. The different layers should be seasoned as you make them with salt, pepper and bits of butter. It should be seasoned rather light. Serve hot.          *
Ham Pie.—Make a crust the same as for soda biscuit, line your dish, then put in a layer of potatoes sliced thin, pepper and salt and a little butter, then a layer of lean ham; add considerable water and you will have an excellent pie.
Sea Pie.—Put 2 pounds of beefsteak into a stew pan with a little celery chopped up or a pinch of ground celery seed, a small onion cut in slices, a teaspoonful of chopped parsley, season with pepper salt; put in this 6 larks dressed for roasting them, make a paste of suet abqutone inch thick and round like the stew pan ; put a cupful of water in the stew pan and cover the larks with the paste, pressing it against the sides of the stew pan; simmer for 1 hour and serve by putting a knife round the sides of the stew pan to detach the paste, and turn it over on the dish.
Mutton Pie.—The remains of a cold leg of mutton, loin or neck, pepper and salt to taste, 2 blades of pounded mace, 1 dessert spoon­ful of chopped parsley, 1 teaspoonful of minced savory herbs when liked, a little minced onion or shalot, 3 or 4 potatoes, 1 teacupful of gravy. Cold mutton may be made into very good pies if well seasoned and mixed with a few herbs. If the leg is used, cut it in very thin slices; if of the loin or neck, into thin cutlets. Place some at the bottom of the dish ; season with pepper and salt, mace, parsley and herbs ; then put a layer of potatoes sliced, then more