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and lay it around the pan, fill the center with jam or marmalade, surround it with leaves of paste. Bake 1-2 hour. Send it to the table cold.
Polish Tartlets.—Roll some nice puff paste out thin, cut it into 21-2 inch squares ; brush each square over with the white of an egg and fold down the corners so that they all meet in the middle of each piece of paste; slightly press and pinch the two pieces with the finger and thumb; brush them over with eggs; sift over sugar; bake in a quick oven for 1-4 of an hour. When done make a little hole in the center and fill with jam or jelly.
Gooseberry Tart Butter Pastry.—Half pound butter, 2 eggs, 1-2 lb. flour; roll out very nicely, put in any kind of preserves, 1-2 lb. sugar, 1-2 lb. almonds chopped, a little lemon, mix well together. Then stir in the whole of an egg to a froth, mix it light and pour over the top of the fruit. Bake 3-4 of an hour. |
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