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Golden Cups.—One'quatt of milk, 3 good tablespoonfuls of rice boiled and stand to cool, 2 ounces of butter; put on your milk to boil, mix the rice very smooth with some cold milk; as soon as the former begins to boil, stir in the latter and let the whole boil for 20 minutes. In the meantime prepare a small muslin bag of saffron and boil with the compound, then remove it after having colored the rice a gold color; whilst the milk is warm add the butter and a little salt; rinse your custard cup with cold water, 1-2 fill them with the mixture; when it becomes cold, then turn out of the cups and retain their forms. They are very ornamental to the table. To be eaten with cream and a little grated nutmeg. Rose-colored or green cups may be produced in the same way by substituting a little cochineal for the rose color and spinach juice for the green color, in place of saffron flowers.
Cinnamon Stars.—Stir together for 1-2 hour 1-2 lb. of coarsly-pounded almonds, 1-2 ounce of cinnamon and the whites ot three eggs beaten to a froth; strew some sugar and cinnamon mixed together over the froth board, turn out the mass upon it, roll this out with the mixed flour and sugar to twice the thickness of the back of a knife; cut out of this stars with a paste cutter (mould) for this purpose in the shape of a star, put them on a baking plate coated with wax, and continue in this way till you have used all your paste. Before putting the stars into the oven wash them over with beaten-up egg and dip them into mixed sugar and cinnamon.
Gateux d'Epice.—The peculiarity of the French ginger-bread is delicate flavor of the vanilla. Pour over the fire 1 poun4 of treacle, 6 ounces of butter, 1 ounce of powdered ginger, 1 ounce of powdered cinnamon, 1 ounce of pounded cardamon, t ounce each of candied lemon and orange peel in shavings, and 1-2 pod of vanilla pounded with a tablespoonful of brandy; stir the mixture well and simmer for 5 minutes, then pour it out of the pan, and when cool beat it by degrees in as much flour as you can knead into a smooth paste; bake on buttered tins in small cakes or nuts in a slow oven for 3-4 hour-
Angel's Food.—(Miss White.)—Beat the whites of 6 eggs to a froth, a tablespoonful of powdered sugar, into it beat jelly to give it a pretty color, whip a pint of cream sweetened and seasoned to taste. Pour the preparation over and serve with the cake.
A Beautiful Dish.—On the top of a flat cake pour first a layer of the white of an egg beaten with white pounded sugar very evenly, let it remain for a moment to become settled, then put on the |