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same egg colored with a little cochineal, then another layer of the same colored with saffron, then another colored with the green juice of spinach, then another colored with finely powdered chocolate. Each layer should remain a moment or two before another is added, and flavored differently to fancy; then begin again with white and repeat the process, then finish with a white layer, and over this strew veins of each color of the egg and sugar froth in any figure from a teaspoon, then put a round dress of each in different places ; then set for a moment in a cool stove or oven to harden. Then in slicing the cake it will appear as though covered with a beautiful strata. Then put here and there fragments of sparkling jelly.
Rock Work.—Made of beef carved so as to resemble the washing of the waves of the ocean through a rock Then lay on red jelly, then streaks of yellow and brown jelly, then parsley minced very fine to resemble green moss, over which sprinkle the yellow and white of eggs chopped fine and separately, then jelly of differ-colors moulded so as to represent black, grey and yellow snails, as if sticking to the rock interspersed over it. This rock resting on green and gold jelly to represent the waves of the sea, being laid in an uneven way. The green should be made of spinach or mint juice. A little white of an egg beaten to a froth may be dropped around the back to represent foam. Dark-colored jelly of chocolate in drops larger or smaller, may represent pebbles. A broken pillar is represented by a piece of veal cut in that shape, or blanc mange moulded in that form, overgrown with flowers (may be natural or artificial ones), with moss made as the above in rock work, with rustic steps, and fragments lying around.
Frangipone.—This delicious, creamy material, is much used in French cookery, for tartlets, with fruits or biscuits, and in various confections, and is made immediately before using, as below.
Beat up very well, 6 eggs and put them into a stew-pan, with 3 tablespoonfuls of fine, very dry flour, 2 ozs. of bruised macaroons, 3 ozs. sugar, on which the rind of a lemon has been rubbed, a table-spoonful of orange flower water, and a pint of new milk. Stir gently over a slow fire for 20 minutes, never allowing it to boil, and when thickened, it is ready for use. Poured over baked apples, pears, quinces, etc., this makes an excellent entrement.
French Macaroons.—Pound in a mortar very fine, 1 lb. of sweet almonds, with whites of eggs, be careful they do not oil, then mix the almonds and whites of eggs with 3 lbs of powdered loaf sugar to a fine thickness, so as to come off the spoon well, then put 3 sheets of paper on your plate, and with a tablespoon, drop them ofl at a little distance from each other, so as not to touch, put them in rather a |