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all up well and let them alone for one hour, then pour on the boiling water, and stir until clear. Strain through a coarse cloth, pressing and wringing it hard, when quite cold, whip into this frothed whites gradually, until thick and white. Tut into a wet mould for 8 hours. Chocolate Cream.—Put into a small stewpan a pint of milk and 6 ounces of pounded sugar, make it very hot and then stir in it 1-2 pint of made chocolate, and the beaten yolks of seven eggs. Put it into a jug, stand it in a sauce pan of boiling water and stir it until it becomes rather thick, but do not let it boil, then strain it through muslin, and strain in it a large cupful of cream, put it into a mould previously dipped into cold water, and set the mould on ice to set.
Velvet Cream.—To a pint of cream put a very little sugar, keep stirring over the fire, till the sugar is dissolved, and then take it off, but keep on stirring, till it is about the warmth of new milk, after which pour it through a fine colander into a dish containing 3 spoonfuls of lemon or orange juice, a little grated peel, and a little fruit marmalade, chopped small, with 2 spoonfuls of white wine. This should be prepared the evening before it is wanted.
Orange Cream.—Dissolve 1 oz. of isinglass and 6 ozs. of loaf sugar in a pint of boiling milk, having first rubbed off the rind of 5 oranges with some of the lumps of sugar. Extract the juice of the oranges, and then strain the isinglass and other ingredients into it; add 1 gill of cream and the yolks of 4 eggs, which must be well beaten ; pour the whole into a sauce-pan, and warm it over the fire, but do not allow it to boil; pour into a jug and stir until cold, before you put it into a mold.
Ice Cream.—Take one quart of pure cream, and take 3-4 of a pound of fine sugar, and take 4 eggs, and put that all on the fire and keep stirring till it grows thick; put a spoon in it, and when you put the spoon in it, lift the spoon up, and if it drops from the spoon it is cooked, but you must not let it boil. Put it in a freezer and flavor with the essence of vanilla, or if it is convenient, put a vanilla bean split, in the milk or cream and let it boil; then you freeze it with ice and coarse salt.
Neapolitan Ice-Cream.—Rub well together, 12 eggs and 1 1-4 pounds of white sifted sugar, and 2 quarts of perfectly fresh and pure cream, flavor as below named, and cook in a farina boiler, (a tin vessel, set into a larger one, containing hot water) stirring constantly, until it thickens, but it must not curdle. Strain through a fine sieve and put it on ice to cool. As there is "reason in the cooking of eggs," so the cooking of ice-cream demands care and skill; it may |