The American Pictorial Home Book
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the herb and wash it clean, then boil till the juice is extracted ; then boil some sugar, till it becomes light, and add the juice of the hoar-hound to it, and boil it up again. Stir it with a spoon against the side of the pan, till white, then pour it into a paper case, horizontal­ly, dust it with fine sugar, and cut in squares ; or the hoarhound may be dried, and put into the sugar, finely powdered and sifted.
San Francisco Kisses.—Beat 12 eggs to a froth, and slowly sprinkle 1 lb. of fine sugar in it, while beating do not stir it; as soon as the sugar is in, stop beating. Have a tin tube and put it on pa­per about 3 inches long, and bake in a quick oven ; as soon as dry, press the center down, fill with thick cream, seasoned to taste, pile it high in the center, and turn one piece on the other, to form an egg-shape.
Chocolate Creams.—Are made by boiling 20 lbs. of best white sugar to hard balls, and stirring, till it is formed into a cream, then make holes with your moulds in the best white powdered starch; and fill with the cream; take them out of your starch, put them in a sieve and brush well, then dip into melted chocolate, and let them stand till cold.
Little Molly's Grandmama's Vinegar Candy.—Four cups white sugar, 2 cups clear vinegar; after stirring the sugar and vine­gar until dissolved perfectly, then stew gently, till it harden a little on the spoon, then pour upon broad, flat dishes, well buttered, and cool. Then, as soon as you are able to put the tips of your fingers into it without burning begin to pull it, until white and porous. It is ex­cellent for a cough, or sore throat, or hoarseness.
Butter Scotch Candy.—Four cups brown sugar, 2 of butter, vinegar to taste, 2 tablespoonfuls of water, and a little soda; boil 1-2 hour. Drop a little in hot water; if crisp, it is done.
Molassks Candy. (Our Own.)—Two pints of molasses, 1 1-2 lbs. brown sugar, the juice of a large lemon, and 12 drops of oil of lemon. Mix the molasses and sugar together, butter the inside of your ket­tle, and put your ingredients in it, then boil over a moderate fire for 2 hours, add the lemon juice and boil for 30 minutes; stir it often to prevent it from burning. When thoroughly done, it will cease boiling, then butter a flat dish or pan, and pour it out to cool. If sufficiently done, it will be crisp and brittle, if not, it will be tough and ropy. Nuts of any kind may be added just before it is put in the pan, and stirred well into the candy. Pull with the hand when sufficiently cool.
Molasses Candy. (Julia French.)—One cup of molasses, 1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, piece of butter the size of an egg, boil, (but do not stir), until it hardens, when dropped in cold water. Then stir in a teaspoonful of soda, and pour on buttered tins; when cool, pull and cut in sticks.