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TO CAN VEGETABLES, ETC.                        337
1-2 pound of sugar or less. Put the fruit and sugar in alternate layers in a vessel and allow them to stand 1 hour, then put them into a preserving kettle and boil 10 minutes. Can and seal at once.
Canned Pine Apple.—(Mrs. Bristol.)—For 6 lbs. of fruit, when cut and ready to can, make syrup with 2 1-2 pounds sugar and nearly 3 pints of water, boil water 5 minutes and skim or strain, if neces­sary, then add the fruit, and let it boil up ; have cans hot and fill and close up as soon as possible. Use the best white sugar; as the cans cool keep tightening them up.
To Can Quinces.—It is necessary that the fruit, after being pared and cut in slices of uniform size, should be boiled in clear water till slightly tender. In the water in which they were boiled (allowing a tumblerful to a pound of sugar), dissolved sugar in the proportion of 1-2 pound to a pound of fruit. As soon as the sugar is dissolved and the syrup begins to boil, return the quinces to the kettle and boil for 15 minutes. Can them while boiling hot and sealing imme­diately. Pears and apples may be done in the same manner.
Bottled Plums. (Australian.)—Gather the fruit when dry, put it into stone jars, tie it down with bladders, and over the bladder tie a paper to keep the bladder from drying. Put the jars to stand in a very cool oven, for 24 hours longer, take off the paper and look at the bladder, if it is not cracked, label and put away in a warm and dry place ; if any of the bladders be cracked, put on a new one and just make the plums hot through in the oven, so as to exhaust the air. The oven throughout this process should be very much cooler than even for a custard. These plums keep very well, and are more like fresh fruit, than when done with sugar.
To Bottle Plums. (Mrs. E. P. Nottingham, Va.)—Have your bottles perfectly dry, and fill them with the fruit to within 2 inches of the neck, stop the bottles slightly with paper, set them in a vessel of cold water, and let them heat gradually until the water boils 10 or 15 minutes, then take the water off with the bottles in it, and let them remain, until the water is perfectly cool, then have some corks, soaked in boiling water, with which stop the bottles very tight, then dip the corked part in melted rosin or sealing wax. Make a deep hole in the earth in a shady, cool place or cellar, and cover them up. When tarts are to be made, sweeten the fruit to fancy.
The Cold Process of Canning Fruit.—If peaches, pare and halve them, pack them as closely as possible in a can without 0 »• sugar; when the can is full pour in sufficient pure cold water to all the interscices between the peaches and to reach the rim ol ,c can ; let it stand long enough in the water to soak into all the crev­ices, say 6 hours, then pour in water to replace what has been sunk away. Seal up the can, and all is done. Canned in this way peaches