The American Pictorial Home Book
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Lemon in Tea—(Spanish.)—Put a very thin slice of lemon on top of the sugar in the cup, then pour the tea over ; no cream is used.
Tea—How to Make it.—To prevent sleep and yet not feel lan­guid.—To weak, green tea add a little brandy, sugar and lemon juice.
A New way to make Tea.—Put the tea in the pot and let them both become hot by degrees, then pour over the boiling water and let it stand for 5 or 6 minutes in a hot place.
Note—The leaves and pot should heat for 10 or 15 minutes.
The English make the best tea.
Good black tea is generally admitted to be the most beneficial and the least prejudicial, but most persons prefer it with a mixture of the green in equal parts.* Green alone is certainly injurious.
Chocolate--How to Make.—One-half pound of ground choco­late, a little each of cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla, 3 cups of water 4 cups of milk; first boil the grated chocolate, the spices and water together, then add the milk, stirring well all the time, then set it on the fire or hot ashes to boil for 3-4 of an hour ; sweeten to taste. If sweet or spiced chocolate be used, use but little sugar or spice.
Chocolate Milk.—Dissolve 1 large spoonful of chocolate in 2 1-2 cups of milk, new and sweet.
Chocolate should not be made until the moment it is wanted, because heating injures the flavor, destroys the froth and separates the body of the chocolate, the oil rising to the top after a short boil­ing, or remaining long by the fire, which is the principal, if not the only cause why chocolate disagrees with delicate stomachs. If rightly prepared it is both nutritive and wholesome.
Spanish or St. Domingo way to make Coffee.—Put the de­sired quantity of coffee in a flannel bag, and then pour over boiling water, but do not let it come to a boil, but shake the pot of boiling fluid well, pouring it back and forth, then pour out and serve in small cups without cream or sugar ; it is delightful. This is the way the Spanish residents make coffee on Island of St. Domingo.
Note—The coffee is always beaten in a mortar, which causes it to retain the greater portion of its aroma. A hundred cups of coffee can be made in this way at once, and can be kept hot without boil­ing.