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hot, stir it well and bake immediately in a quick oven. This is equally nice made with sour milk.
Fried Bread—M. A. T.—Take a tablespoonful of sweet, light dough, dissolve in a cup of sweet milk, add 3 or 4 eggs, 1 1-2 cups flour, 1 teaspoonful salt; cut some thin slices of light bread,dip this in the batter and fry in hot lard; sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with jelly.
Carolina Hread.—Dip slices of light bread into new milk, then dip them into 2 well beaten eggs, and fry them in hot lard; dish them and pour over them any kind of syrup and serve hot.
Snow Cakes.—Put corn meal into a good sized wood or earthen bowl with sugar and salt to taste, then add 3 times its bulk of snow, and stir it together with a spoon ; when well mixed it looks like so much dry meal or snow. Fry a little on a hot griddle ; if it cooks tou dry to turn well, add more snow; if too wet to be light, add more meal; when just right, fry on the griddle in convenient-sized cakes, and they will be as light as corn bread.
Corn Cakes.—Sweet milk, 1 or 2 eggs, salt, about 1-3 of flour to
2 of fresh, sweet corn meal, a little lard, no yeast powder; fry quickly on a hot griddle.
Jolly Boy—Brayton.—1 quart of new white corn meal, scald and cool, 1 pint of flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 of cream tartar, a little sweet milk ; make as thick batter as for pancake aud fry in hot lard. Nice for breakfast.
Ancient Recipe for the Athenian National Dish.—Dry near the fire in an oven 20 pounds of barley flour, then parch it, add
3 pounds of linseed meal, 1-2 pound of coriander seed, 2 ounces of salt and the quantity of water necessary. To this sometimes a little millet is added in order to give the paste greater cohesion and delicacy.
Fine Waffles. (Mrs. B.)—One pint of sweet milk, 1-2 cup of butter milk, sour cream, or clabber, 2 eggs, 1 1-2 pint of flour, and a piece of lard the size of a small hen's egg, melted and put in the batter ; beat till perfectly smooth. Have the waffle irons perfectly clean, and grease and fill them with batter, and bake on bright coals, turning the irons so that both sides may be browned. Butter as you take them from the irons.
Orange Cake. (Mrs. O, Hallon, San Jose.)—Yolks of 5 eggs, whites of 2 beat well, 1 1-2 cups of sugar, 2-3 of a cup of water, butter the size of an egg, 2 cups flour. This will be enough to fill
4 large jelly moulds.
Cocoanut Balls.—Remove from the kernels the brown skin, then grate with a coarse grater; add equal weight of sifted sugar, and the white of one well beaten egg. Make into balls about the size of a |