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354                    BREAKFAST, LUttCH AND TEA.
walnut and bake upon a tin in a moderate oven, of a light brown* Place the balls upon thin white paper. Remove as soon as taken from the oven.
Small Drop Cakes.—Made of this mixture by dropping a spoon-ful on wafer paper ; baked in a quick oven.
Green Corn Griddle Cakes.—Make a batter of 3 or 4 eggs, 2 cups of flour, a little salt and water, milk or meat broth, (boiled with­out vegetables), if you have it; grate 6 or 7 ears of green corn, into this mixture ; bake on griddles. Serve hot with butter. Canned corn will do for winter.
General Washington's Breakfast Cake. (Genuine.)—Make a thick mush of white corn meal and water, add some salt and a little butter, and drop in small cakes, 1-2 inch thick, on a hot griddle; butter well and serve.
Frying Griddle Cakes.—Before applying your batter, rub the griddle with dry salt, then rubbing off carefully before oiling, which will cause them to turn easily. Corn, griddle and buckwheat cakes are nicely turned when thus treated.
Tea Cakes. (Mrs. Jos. Mayo, Richmond, Va.)—Two lbs. of flour. 1-2 lb. sweet butter, yolks of 3 eggs, a teaspoonful of saleratus, dis­solved in a teacup of water and a dessert spoonful of vinegar. Flavor with mace.
New Orleans Tea Cake.—Three lbs. of flour, or bread crumbs, 1 1-2 lbs. of sugar, 3-4 of butter, 2 tablespoonfuls of caraway seeds, 1 small teaspoonful of soda, and 1-2 pint of milk. Roll out and bake in thin cakes.
My Colored Mammy's Cookies.—Five eggs, 1 1-2 cups of but­ter, 3 cups of fine white sugar, 5 cups of flour or mace, 3 spoons of cream, spice to taste. The dough should be soft; then roll out to a thin sheet, and cut in small cakes in what form desired Bake in a fast oven until a light brown and crisp. Brush them over with a clean feather, or soft rag, dipped in a solution of sugar and water, quite thick.
Baked Apple Dumplings. (A plain family dish.)—Six apples, 3-4 lb. of suet crust, (see recipe) sugar to taste. Pare and take out the cores of the apples, dividing them, and make 1-2 lb, of suet crust, (by recipe), roll the apples in the crust, previously sweetening them with moist sugar, and taking care to join the crust nicely; when they are formed into round balls, put them on a tin and bake them for 1-2 an hour or longer. Should the apples be very large, arrange them pyramidically on a dish, and sift over them some powdered sugar. These may be made richer, by using one of the puft pastes instead of suet. Bake from 1-2 to 3-4 of an hour. Sufficient for 4 persons.
Sweet Dumplings with Almonds.—Pound very fine, a oz. of