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COOKING FOR INVALIDS.                           365
eggs, have always been deemed very beneficial to the chest and throat. In various quantities and in different preparations these have been partaken of by the principal singers of the day, including the celebrated Swedish Nightingale, Jenny Lind, and as they have avowed, always with considerable advantage to the voice in singing.
Economical Soup.—Put 4 ounces of clean pearl barley and as much onion sliced into 5 quarts of wa'er, let them boil gently one hour and pour it off, then put into a pan about 1 spoonful of gravy, clarified suet or fat bacon minced. When this is melted stir there­in 3 spoonfuls or more of oat or corn meal and make the whole into a paste; next add gradually the broth and bring it to a boil; season with cayenne, black pepper or allspice. The flavor may be increased by garlic, shalot or some more onion.
A New Dietic Substance for the Sick—Dr. Goodman, a member of the British Medical Association.—This artificial febrine, as food, when taken into the stomach creates a feeling of want, rather than a decrease of appetite. The production of this sub­stance is within the reach of every sick man, and is effected with great facility. It is found by exposing albuminous material to the operation or influence of cold water for a given period, and on ac­count of its great plenteousness the ordinary hen's egg is employed for its production. When the shell is broken and removed, and its contents are immersed in cold water for 12 hours or so, they are found to undergo a chemico-molecular change and become solid and insoluble. This change is indicated by the assumption by the transparent white of the egg of an opaque and snowy white appear­ance, which far surpasses that of an ordinary boiled egg. The pro­duct and the fluid in which it is immersed must now be submitted to the action of the heat to the boiling point, when the febrine will be ready for use.
Note—As a febrine material it is highly nutricious and eminently adapted to all cases where there is a deficiency of febrine in the blood. It is perhaps unparalleled in its quality of lightness and digestibility, and is, moreover, a great delicacy. In many urgent cases of rejection, &c, it will remain when an otherwise cooked egg would not be tolerated by the stomach.
Soup for Invalid.—To a pint of warm water add 2 tablespoon-fuls of cod liver oil, shake them well until they are thoroughly in­corporated. Take a clove of garlic that has been steeped for some 24 hours in senna tea and shred it into the liquid, season with rhu­barb and magnesia. Some forcemeat balls of the same size and of the samS material as antibilious pills. Brown with a salamander and serve.
Broth Eel, very Strengthening.—After cleaning a small eel