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376                      CONFECTIONS FOR THE SICK.
Bitter Orange Sugar.—Wipe a good sound, bitter orange in a clean cloth, rub off the yellow part of the peel with the sugar, scrape this off with a knife, pound and sift it, and keep it well canistered. Lemon and Orange Peel can be made in the same way. Vanilla Sugar.—A small piece of vanilla is dried in a warm place, then pounded together with 2 oz. of sugar, sifted and kept in a canister.
Hip.—The fruit of a rose, the fleshy part beaten to a pulp and preserved in sugar, is a medicine slightly cooling and astringent, and is often used as a basis of other medicines. It is a popular remedy for ascarides, or pin worms.
Conserves of Orange or Lemons.—Grate the rind of an orange or lemon in a bowl or dish, squeeze the juice of the fruit over it, mix the white with a spoon. Then boil some sugar high, mix the fruit therewith, and when thick enough, put it into moulds. Conserve of orange peel is made by steeping the rinds in water, moderately heated, until tender; and then straining and pounding them in a marble mortar. After this, the pulp is brought to a proper consistency over a gentle fire, with the addition of 3 times its quan­tity of sugar, the white is then rendered to a conserve by beating in a mortar.
Conserve of Roses.—Take 1 lb. of red rosebuds, cleared of their hulls, beat them well in a mortar, and add by degrees 2 lbs. of double refined sugar in powder until reduced to a conserve.
Conserve of Rose or Thornberries and Haws.—Useful con­serves are made of these hedge fruits, either separately or in equal parts, the skins, seeds and hair parts must be carefully removed, and that part alone used which is of itself almost pulp; then pro­ceed in the same manner as with roses. A dram or 2 of these con­serves dissolved in milk is given as a gentle astringent in weakness of the stomach, phthisical coughs, and spitting of blood; but to expect considerable effects, at least three or four ounces should be taken daily for some time together. In like manner conserves may be of orange peel, rosemary flowers, sea-wormwood, sorrel leaves, &c, but none are so valuable as the rose or thornberries and haws. Black Pepper Confections.—Sir B. Brodie, P. L.—One pound 1 ounce each of black pepper and elecampane root, 1 lb. 3 oz. fen­nel seed, 1 lb. 2 oz. each of white sugar and honey, this should always be accompanied by a mild aperient.
Conserves of Lavender. — Used frequently to sweeten the breath.—Lavender flowers 1 part, lump sugar 3 parts, beat together. Using twice this weight in sugar, conserves of leaves and flowers are made in a similar way.
Camphor Julep.—Take one semple (20 grains) of camphor; one