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sifted through a hair sieve; then lay a row of sugar at the bottom of an earthen pan, then a layer of slices alternately till all the pineapple is in; let them stand for 2 weeks till all the sugar is melted, then put the whole in a preserving pan, let them simmer, but not boil; do this three days running, then take the slices up and put them on a sieve to dry, then boil the syrup and skim it; when cold bottle it, and keep the slices for dessert.
Apple Jelly.—Take 60 or more of white codlings or any other white apples, take out the sniffs and stalks, cut them in quarters without peeling foem, put them on to stew on a slow fire, being particular to stir them frequently; when they are reduced to a thick pulp put into a jelly bag and let them drain off till next day; then to every pint of the liquor, which ought to be thick and rich, put 1 lb. of lump sugar, and to each pint put the juice of 1 lemon. Do not add the lemon juice till the jelly has been boiled and well skimmed. The lemon juice will then clear it. After adding the lemon juice give it one boil up, and taking it off the fire let it stand for 10 minutes without touching it, then skim it again and put into small oval pots for use. The jelly should be quite clear and not highly colored, which depends on not boiling too long.
The best Method of making Apple Jelly.—Take 1 dozen of sound baking apples, core them and cut them in pieces into a clean sauce pan without removing the peeling, add to them 1 noggin (a mug) of water, cover them close on the hot hearth untill they are stewed to a mash, then strain them through a sieve. The above is the syrup of which your jelly is to be made. Take 3 dozen of the best and most juicy baking apples, core and peel them, put them down in a nice, clean sauce pan, pour the above syrup over them, cover them and let them stew until they become quite a mash, then strain it through a jelly bag, and when cold add to every pint the juice of 2 lemons and a good pound of the very best loaf sugar; boil it till it becomes clear and jellied, which it will in 20 minutes from the time it begins to boil.
The very best method of Preserving Oranges Whole,—Take 6 large Saville oranges, grate the rinds lightly, cut a round piece about the size of a shilling off the stem end, take out all the pulp and put the oranges into cold spring water for 24 hours, and put the gratings to steep in a quart of cold water. The next day make the syrup as follows : Put a pint of water to the grating to a quart of the cold spring water, put it into a nice, clean, deep saucepan with 3 1-2 pounds of the best loaf sugar, 3 or 4 pieces of whole bruised ginger; boil and skim it; have your oranges boiling in a deep sauce pan tied up in a muslin handkerchief, put down in cold spring water. This you may do during the time you are making the syrup. |