The American Pictorial Home Book
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and stir in the banana pulp to the eggs ; add a pinch of salt, i cup of sweet milk or morr*, flour enough to make a thin batter. Fry in boiling lard, or olive, or sweet cocoanut oil. Excellent. Beat well.
Cocoanut Custard Pie.—The grated kernel of i soft cocoanut, with the water or milk, or ripe cocoanut and milk, yolks and whites of 2 eggs well beaten separately, sugar to taste, a pinch of salt. Line a deep porcelain baking dish with a rich pie crust, and pour the whisked batter in. Bake in rather a brisk oven.
Panama Steak with Onions.—Fry in boiling lard, the steak, turn it over whea nearly done, cover it over with chopped onions, salt and pepper. Very nice.
Cocoanut Oil.—Grate the desired quantity of nice fresh cocoa-nuts, wash and rub the gratings between the hands for several waters, so as to get all the oil out, pouring each washing into another ves­sel, then set this earthen vessel on the back part of the stove, and simmer slowly, removing the oil as long as it rises, with a spoon. Then set the vessel, which contains the skimmed oil, in a warm place to settle, then pour off gently and bottle closely. Excellent for the hair.
Another Way.—Grate the cocoanut, boil in a small quantity of water, carefully and slowly, skim off the oil as fast as it rises, then resimmer it in another earthen vessel until all the water evaporates. Pour off carefully and bottle and stop closely, leaving the settlings be­hind. This oil will keep the hair soft and moist for 3 weeks, without repeating the application.
Gravel, Obstinate.—Drink freely of the water of the green cocoa-nut.
Jaundice.—Wear a string of wild cucumbers around the neck, af­ter removing the prickles.
Albondigas.—Take some chopped meat, chop a small onion very fine, and add pepper and salt to taste. Beat up an egg, mix a ta-blespoonful of flour with it, a little soaked bread, and mix all to­gether. Rub a little vinegar on your hand; make the above mix­ture into balls, take a stew pan and put in a little lard and chopped onion, fry and put in the meat balls with water enough to cover them, boil for twenty minutes. Before dishing up beat up two eggs in the dish with a few drops of vinegar and pour over the balls.
Cocada.—Grate four cocoa-nuts, put them into a kettle with a little water and a pound of sugar. Boil, stirring continually, till you can see the bottom of the kettle.
Ajiaco.—The night before you intend making this dish, take a handfull of dried Chili red peppers; cut each one open, remove the seeds and soak the peppers in water all night. It is best to pour on boiling water. Next day pass as much of the pulp of the peppers