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and a dozen or two of small onions, butter, pepper, salt; flour the vegetables, put into a stew pan ; when the butter is melted put in the cucumbers, stew till the onions are tender, adding a spoonful of good gravy and the juice of a lemon.
Tomato Catsup (a Balize recipe)—Slice the tomatoes and put a layer into a jar, sprinkle salt over it, another layer of tomatoes and salt, until the jar is full. Stir the contents now and then for three days, then press the juice from the tomatoes and boil with mace, pepper, allspice, ginger and cloves ; about 2 ounces in all to a quart of juice; a few blades of mace, 12 cloves, a spoonful of pounded ginger and the remainder pepper and allspice. In 3 minutes boil it again with fresh spice.
Note—In tying leather or bladders over the mouths of bottles and jars it is best to wet them.
To Preserve Tomatoes in Imitation of Guavas.—Take the seeds out of the wet tomatoes and set them over a slow fire in weak sugar and water until they are green, then take out the tomatoes, add sugar to the syrup, boiling it down till it is very strong and of a good consistency; pour it over the boiling tomatoes and let them remain in it until cold; then repeat the process as often as is necessary, but not sufficiently so to make them shrink. Should they be preserved ripe, pour the boiling syrup upon them, repeating it every 2 or 3 days until the sugar has perfectly penetrated the fruit. The addition of lemon juice squeezed upon the tomatoes, and a third or fourth part of strawberry jam mixed with the syrup, will assist in the resemblance of the tomato to the guava, as also a glass of port wine ; but, as these would spoil the color of green tomatoes, they must only be put to those that are ripe.
To Preserve a Melon.—Scrape off the thin outside skin, make a hole in the top, take out the seeds, then throw the melon into water, and after it has remained in it 12 hours take it out and put it into a preserving pan with a large piece of loaf sugar and as much water as will cover it; then cover the pan closely and let it remain for an hour on a very slow fire. Repeat this process 3 times in 3 succeeding days, taking care not to allow it to come to a boil; then make a thin syrup, drain the melon carefully out of the liquor it was in and put it into a syrup, set it over a slow fire, closely covered, for 1-4 hour every day for 3 ensuing days; on the last day boil the syrup until it is very rich with the rind of a lemon, adding the juice of 2 lemons.
Spanish Stuffing for Fowls of any Kind.—Three or 4 beaten eggs, olives and raisins chopped fine, bread crumbs, pepper, a little salt. Mix and stuff the fowl.
Lemon Pickle that will keep Twenty Years,—With a piece |