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and water until they are quite tender, then cut them into small pieo es. Take an equal weight of sugar with the juice and pulp, boil it together with the sliced skins until it will jelly on a plate, and put it into jars.
Hindoostanee Kubab.—Skewer on small silver skewers, alternately slices of apples, slices of meat cut into round pieces the same size, and halves of onions, so as to have 4 pieces each, i. e. 12 on each skewer. To 2 lbs. weight take a dram of turmeric, 4 onions and a dram of red pepper, pound them in a mortar; sprinkle over, fry them with the kubab in a stewpan with 4 oz. butter. Send up boiled rice with this dish.
A Pepper Cake.—One half pound of flour, 1-2 lb. of treacle, 1 tea spoonful of cayenne pepper, 2 eggs, a little ammonia, 1 tablespoonful each of coriander and caraway seeds. Make the treacle hot and mix in the other ingredients.
Turkish Dish.—Chop some slices of beef or beefsteak very fine with a little parsley, onions and bread crumbs, powdered pepper and spice, salt and the yolk of an egg. Mix them together with a very little water, so as to make them into balls the size of an egg; then flour them, place them regularly in a frying pan and fry them a good brown color with lard or drippings. (This dish is called quaffties.)
Bombay Method of Dressing a Fowl.—The fowl being trussed, incissions are made in every part, the same as when a fowl is about to be carved, but without severing the joints. The breast is cut as for taking out slices and the legs scored across. The whole fowl, inside and out, is then rubbed with pepper and salt and a little cayenne pepper or Chili, so as to be very highly seasoned. After this it is enclosed in a good, thick paste, composed of flour, milk and butter; one end of which is left open to fill it with water, this being done, it is closed up and put into a cloth and boiled 3 or 4 hours, when it becomes a rich and most relishing dish.
The Arabs use the red rice generally procured from Egypt. The white rice, growing in Galilee, is inferior to the red, being much tougher.—(Mrs. D.)
The Hastings Curry.—Brown 4 oz. fresh butter; slice 3 large onions and fry them. Cut the heart of a hard white cabbage very fine and a large sour apple. Put the whole into a stew pan, add 1 teaspoonful of cayenne pepper, x of black pepper, 1 of turmeric, the juice of 1-2 lemon, and a gill of strong gravy. Put in the fowl, flour it, add a little salt, put it with the rest of the ingredients, cover close­ly to keep in the steam and let it stew for 3 hours.
Pine Apple or Apple Paloo.—Boil 12 oz, of rice in water; when only one quarter of the grains remain hard pour off one half the hot water, fill up the pan with cold water, shake it, then pour off all the