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1-4 lb. of sugar, 1 quart of boiling water, 1-2 pint of brandy and a small piece of lemon peel if agreeable, or a very little of the essence of lemon.
Punch a la Romaine.—1 quart of clearest spring water, 5 lbs. of the best lump sugar, the juice of 8 oranges and 6 lemons; put all together into a stew pan and simmer till well clarified; when cold, put into an ice pail, and when well frozen add the whole of 6 new laid eggs, whisked to a froth. Beat the whole well together, and just before it is served, add four teaspoonfuls of the best Jamaica rum. This will make a sufficient quantity for ten persons. The juice of the oranges and lemons should be strained through a fine seive. It is an improvement if the beaten eggs are added before it is iced.
Egg Nog—To make a gallon of egg nog, take 1 dozen eggs, break them and beat the whites and yolks separately ; after the yolks have been beaten fifteen minutes, put 12 tablespoonfuls of fine white sugar in them and beat or whisk them until they rise and are thick. The great secret of having it nice is to beat or whisk the yolks thick, whip the whites to a stiff froth; 1-2 pint of brandy in the yolks, and when well mixed, stir the whites slowly in. Have milk in a glass pitcher to be added if preferred.
Egg Wine.—Mix with a spoonful of cold water a beaten egg; set on the fire, in a pan, 1 glass of white wine, 1-2 glass of water, sugar and nutmeg to taste. When it boils, pour a little of it on the egg by degrees till the whole is in, stirring it well, then return the whole into the stew pan, put it on a gentle fire, stir it one way for not more than a minute, for if it boil or the egg be stale it will curdle. Serve with toast. Egg wine may be made as above, without warming the egg, and it is then lighter on the stomach, though not so pleasant to the taste.
Lemon Wine or Citron Water.—Take the parings of 12 large, thick rinded lemons when in full perfection ; that is, when not over ripe, cut very thin and put them into 2 quarts of brandy (and in that proportion for any quantity), and add 1 quart of good spring water and 6 or 8 ounces of fine loaf sugar, then put into it 1 gill of boiled skimmed milk, which will cause it to curdle immediately. Stir it well and cover it up close, and at the end of 3 or 4 days you will find a beautiful lemon-colored transparent liquor, which must be carefully poured from the sediment or drawn off by a crane and then bottled. It is good and fit to drink at once, but much better if kept for some time. It can be diluted with water.
Note—It is nice to drink as a cordial. Mixed with water it is like lemonade, and to put in artificial wine to give them an agreeable flavor. 1 |