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422 WINES. |
Wine, to Cool Without Ice.—Dip a piere of linen into water and wrap it around the bottle, and place it in a draught.
Green Currant Wine.—Strip from the stems full green currants before they begin to turn, weigh them and allow i gallon of soft water to 3 lbs. of the fruit; mash and treat them as in the recipe for effervescing gooseberry wine. Use instead of loaf sugar, light . colored brown sugar. Let the juice or wine remain in the cask, and as soon as the fermentation ceases,-bung the cask tightly, and in 6 months it will be fit for use.
Cherry Wine. Take not over ripe Marillo cherries picked off from their stems, mash them in a mortar or vessel to remove the pulp without bruising the stones, and suffer the mass to stand 24 hours; strain through a coarse hair sieve and to every 3 gallons add 8 or 9 pounds of lump sugar, put the mixture in a cask and suffer it to ferment, and pour the wine from its lees as soon as it becomes clear. Some manufacturers crack the stones and put them with the kernels in muslin bags in the casks during the fermentation of the wine, which gives it a nutty flavor.
Wine made from mixed Fruits. (From an English paper.)—Take cherries, black currants, white currants and raspberries, of each an equal quantity, though if the black currants predominate, the better. To 4 lbs. of the mixed fruit, well bruised, put 1 gal. of water, let it steep 3 days and nights in an open vessel, frequently stirring up the mass ; then strain it through a hair sieve. The remaining pulp press to dryness, pour both liquids together, and in each gal. of the liquid put 3 pounds of sugar; let the whole stand 3 days and night, frequently stirring it up as before, skimming the top; then turn it into a cask and let it remain open at the bung hole whilst fermenting about 2 weeks; lastly, to every 9 gals, put 1 quart of good brandy, and then fasten down the bung; if it does not soon become fine, a solution of isinglass may be stirred into the wine.
Strawberry Wine.—Ten gallons of strawberries, 10 gallons of water, 25 lbs. of sugar, 3 oz. of red tartar, 2 lemons, oranges, peel and juice, 1 gallon of brandy. This is delicious and keeps well.
Raspberry Wine.—To 10 quarts of mashed raspberries add 8 quarts of water and let the mixture stand 24 hours ; strain the mass through a coarse hair sieve and add to every gal. 2 or 3 lbs. of lump sugar and suffer it to ferment. Then bottle closely.
Apricot Wine.—Take 'apricots when nearly ripe, remove the stones, and bruise the pulp in a mortar. To 8 lbs. of the pulp add a quart of water, suffer the mixture to stand for 24 hours, then squeeze out the juice; add to every gallon of it 2 lbs. of loaf sugar, put it into a cask and suffer it to ferment, when perfectly clear, bottle it. |