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Beer, Tomato.—Gather the fruit when perfectly ripe and sound, wash it and remove the stems, then mash and strain through a coarse linen bag, and allow to every gallon of juice, 1 lb. of good brown sugar, let it remain 9 or 10 days, then pour off the clear portion through a cloth, and leave the thick part at the bottom of the vessel. Then bottle closely; it improves by age. When you wish to use it, fill a pitcher nearly full of fresh, sweetened water, then add some of the tomato liquid, a few drops of the essence of lemon, and it will be equal to superior lemonade, costing nothing but the trouble, Allow one gill or 1-2 cupful to one gallon of the sweetened water.
Porter Beer.—Add together 1 bottle of London porter, 5 bottles of water, 1 lb. of brown sugar or 1 pint of molasses; mix all together with some strong ginger tea. This quantity will fill seven bottles; put 3 or 4 Cal. raisins into each bottle, fill, cork and wire them; lay them on their sides in a cool dry place.
Beer.—Dr. J. R. Pernell, Va.—Take 2 gallons boiling water, t 1-2 oz. cream tartar, and as much ginger, 1-2 pint of yeast, 2 lbs. of brown sugar or a quart of molasses, mix well together. Let them stand 24 hours, then bottle. If 2 sliced lemons be added it improves it.
Beer. (Mrs. Upshur, Va.)—To 14 bottles of water add 1 quart of strong hop tea and 1 pint of molasses ; mix them well together, bottle and cork at once. In 24 hours, if the weather is warm, it will be fit for use.
Table Beer. (Mrs. Upshur, Sturgis, N. Y.)—Twelve gallons of water, 4 ears of shelled roasted corn, 2 quarts of parched oats, 2 quarts of bran, 4 ozs. hops boiled together and strained; add 3 pints of molasses and 1 pint of brisk yeast; leave it to settle, then put into jugs or bottles. Stop closely.
Tar Beer, (Recommended for pulmofiary complaints.)—One gal. water, 2 quarts wheat bran, 1 pint pure tar, 1 pint honey, 1-2 pint brewers yeast. Simmer over a slow fire for 3 hours in a clean earthen vessel; add the yeast when cold. Keep in a cool place ; is ready for use in 36 hours; a wineglassful to be taken before each meal.
Cheap Small Beer.—To 12 quarts of cold water add 1-2 pint of strong hop tea and 1 1-2 pints of molasses; mix it well together and bottle immediately. It will be fit for use the next day, if the weather is warm.
Crab Applb Beer.—Boil the fruit in a preserving or porcelain kettle until sufficiently acid, strain through a muslin bag; put a |