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452 THE FARM. |
home. If the dog brings the sheep home too early or comes home without them, he gets no supper, or is punished in another way, hence he soon learns when to come and to see that none of his charge are loft behind. These animals are trained by taking advantage of their instincts and appetites. It is said that one may go over the hills and plains and see thousands of sheep, but not a man to watch them. Around each flock or band of a thousand sheep are a half dozen dogs of a peculiar breed, dogs, whose progenitors were imported from the sheep pastures of the old world. These dogs take the entire care of the sheep, drive them out to pasture in the morning, keep them from going astray during the day and bring them home at night. They have inherited the talent for keeping sheep.
Distemper in Dogs.—As soon as you perceive that your dog is sick, throw down his throat a handful of very fine salt, 3 times a day for 3 or 4 consecutive days. This remedy has never failed.
A good Way to save Clover Seed.—Have a wire screen at or near the bottom of the trough in which cattle feed on clover ; the pulling of it will cause the seed to fall through into the receptacle below, when the sieve can be removed and the pure seed obtained for future use.
To Measure Corn in the Crib.—This rule will apply to a crib of any size or kind. Two cubic feet of good, sound, dry corn in the ear willl make a bushel of shelled corn; to get, then, the quantity of shelled corn in a crib of corn in the ear, multiply the length, breadth, heighth of the crib inside of the rail; multiply the length by the breadth and the product by the heighth, then divide the product by two and you will have the number of bushels of shelled corn in the crib.
To Estimate the Amount of Hay in a Mow.—A hog and stock grower says that the following rule has proved correct. In a mow, allow 512 cubic feet for a ton in hay measurement
To Arrest Chinch-bug Depredations.—Take a pail of water and 1-2 gallon of salt stir well; then, with a small broom or bunch of feathers, sprinkle well a row of c^rn just ahead of the bugs, taking care that the ground between the hills of corn in said row is well sprinkled with the brine. 3 pails of brine will sprinkle a quarter of a mile if properly applied, and will stop the march of that crop destroying insect, for they generally commence on one side of a field and never stop till they have reached the last row. They march in bodies with army precision.
To Destroy Bugs.—To drive away the striped bugs from cucumber, melon or potato vines ; take 1 peck of hen-house manure to every 1 1-2 gallon of water, make a strong solution and let it stand a day and night. If you have one, use a sprinkler and sprinkle the iolution over the plants after sunset |