The American Pictorial Home Book
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HORSES AND THEIR DISEASES.                      469
How to Cure a Cracked Hoof.—When the hoof is cracked all the way up, cut a notch above the crack in the soft part of the hoofc as the hoof grows off and the notch grows down in the hard hoof, take a rasp and rut the notch nearly through the hoof, and a cure will be effected, as soon as the hoof grows out.
Cure for Ring Bone.—Mix 1-2 oz. of odine in a 25 cents bottle of Mexican Mustang Liniment.
Fistula.—If the fistula has not been opened, it should be fomented with hot water, as hot as the hand can bear, several times a day, until the tumor points or appears soft. Then a good large opening should be made at the most pending part of the tumor, in order to give the matter free exit. Keep it thoroughly clean by injecting soap and water every day. After using the soap and water, use the following injection: Solution Goulard, 2 ounces; sulphate zinc, 1 ounce; sulphate copper, 1 ounce, and dilute acetic acid powder, 1 pint. Powder the sulphates and dis­solve in the diluted acetic acid and add the Goulard solution. Use this once a day with cleanliness.
Pole Evil, to Scatter.—Bruise a quantity of the mandrake root and boil it down until thick, then add some lard, and then simmer until proper to make an ointment. Apply every day until well.
Rkmedy for Bots in Horses.—It may be kno wn by the occa­sional nipping at their own sides, and by red pimples and projec­tions on the inner surface of the upper lip, which can be plainly seen by raising the lip.
Treatment.—First give 2 quarts of new milk with 1 quart of molasses. Give the horse the whole amount; 15 minutes afterwards give 2 quarts of sage tea very strong; 30 minutes after the tea currier's oil, or enough to operate as physic. The milk and the molasses will cause the bots to let go their hold, the tea puckers them up, and the oil carries them away.
Glanders are contagious among horses, and even persons have been known to take it from them. The virus or poison of glan­ders may be for months in a state of incubation in the horse's constitution before the disease breaks out. Of this we have the most positive evidence, and when it does it gives it to all others near or in contact with it. The best and safest way is to burn thoroughly the ground over which the animal has grazed, and per­haps the stable also.
Epizootic—As soon as the disease begins to appear among your horses give each a large dose of pine tar once a week.
Remedy for Horse Cough.—One pint of bran wet with wa­ter; put from 5 to 7 drops of tar oil in bran, stir it well and give to