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rather warm liquid over the pears and set them in a cool place; when cold, serve on a glass dish.
Note.—If a pink color is desired for the jelly, add a few drops of cochineal.
Baked Pears.—Mrs. Stubbs.—Place in a stone bowl or dish first a layer of pears (without paring), then a layer of sugar, then pears, and so on till the jar is full; then put in as much water as it will hold. Bake in oven 3 hours. Very nice.
To keep Peaches for Winter Use.—Take the soundest and gently wipe off the fur, then varnish it over with gum arable water; when this is dry, varnish them over twice more ond set them away carefully, so as not to bruise them. When you wish to use them, the varnish will break off very easily, so you can have ripe peaches in mid winter.
Fried Plums.—Put 1 lb. of plums with 1-2 wine, 1-2 water, a piece of sugar, some cinnamon and lemon peel to the fire and boil till soft, then put them on a plate. Let them get cold ; take out the stone of each plum and put in its place a shelled almond. Now stir a ladleful of flour and an egg with some wine till smooth ; let 1 1-2 oz. of butter warm with 1-2 glass of wine; mix this with the said batter; it must, however, be a little thicker than pancake batter, so that too much does not stick to the plums. Turn the plums in this batter, fry them in lard till of a light brown ; strew them with sugar and cinnamon.
N. B.—Peaches, pears and cantaloupes are prepared in the same manner as the fried apple slices.
To dry Chfrries with sugar.—Stone 6 pounds of sour cherries, put them in a preserving pan with 2 lbs. of loaf sugar, pounded and strewed among them ; simmer them till they shrivel, then strain them from the juice, lay them on a hot surface or in an oven that is cool enough to dry without baking them. The same syrup will do another 6 lbs. of fruit.
Peach Leather,—Take soft peaches and remove the skins from them, mash to a pulp and force them through a colander. If the peaches are not very ripe, add a little sugar to them. Butter well panes of glass (large ones are best), spread the paste smoothly upon them, set in the sun to dry; when dry on one side, turn it. and when thoroughly dry, roll and keep in boxes with finely powdered sugar dusted over them. Butter strips of cloth and spread upon well seasoned boards when glass is not convenient. |