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4§2                             TREES ANt) SHRUSS.
convenient loose wrapping material. In a few days the bud will ad­here to the wood, and the wrapping can be removed. Early the fol- x lowing spring cut off the seedling near the bud (about 1-2 inch above the bud), then for 6 weeks keep the stump clear from suckers. In the fall or following spring, plant the seedling, now become a tree, to the same depth as they stand in the nursery, and from 15 to 20 feet apart. In all cases, peach trees should be planted when of one season's growth. When heads are forming, carefully prune, so as to form a low head and cut off useless branches. Pruning^is best done in spring. Shortening one half of the growth of the 2d and 3d years after pruning and keeping the inside of the trees clear of use­less growth, is all that is required in the way of pruning before the trees commence bearing.
Note.—The borers, which enter the body of the tree, or a little below the ground, must be removed with a knife from year to year. Peach trees grow on corn land and require about the same cultiva­tion. No manure is required until they have borne one crop. Wood ashes, bone dust or guano is good.
Tansy and Peaches.—I remember seeing a clump of peach trees of greater altitude, and more spreading than usual; the fruit was deli­cious, both free and cling stones. A large damask rose bush grew as tall as the trees, and the flowers hung in beautiful clusters from the top, which, in my young eyes, were more beautiful than their sisters which were tangible to me ; how I coveted those bright roses. This was in the rear portion of the garden at my great-grandmama's. I remember the surroundings. At the foot of those trees grew a per­fect carpet of ground ivy, and hard by, large beds of tansy, feather few, rue, camomile, lavender, and wormwood. Now why did those trees continue to flourish and bear good fruit so long ? They could not have been less than 50 years old, for all the immediate family was dead, while my blessed grandmother survived to smile on her 4th generation through the vistas of ninety winters.
The Peach is derived from the small, bitter fruit, which grows in its natural state in Russia. The parent fruit posesses no poisonous properties.
The Quince.—Grows wild in Asia, but more particularly in the ' western part, among the Ural Mountains and in the neighboring parts of Europe and Asia.
Table of Distances, at which trees, etc., should be planted: Standard apple trees—20 to 30 feet each way; dwarf varieties of apples—8 to 10 feet; standard pear trees—20 feet; dwarf varieties of pear—6 to 10 feet; standard cherry trees—20 feet; dwarf varie­ties—10 feet; peach, plum, apricot—12 to 20 feet; gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries—3 to 8 feet; grape vines—5 to 8 feet.