The American Pictorial Home Book
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Fennel.—The root of the large fennel is eaten, when blanched, like celery or seakale when stewed.
Artichoke — Sow in drills 2 inches in depth. Thin out the plants. When they are large enough, they can be reset in rich beds in drills, 3 feet apart each way; the soil should be free from frost, and in cold latitudes covered in winter. Jerusalem artichoke in the same way. The common artichoke may be planted and cultivated as the Irish potato.
Asparagus.—Large.—Any time during the fall or winter, sow in • drills, 8 or 10 inches apart, then cover up with pulverized soil about 1 inch. For one year keep the rows free from grass and weeds. Then prepare a permanent bed for the young plants by digging trenches 18 inches apart and 10 feet deep, then half fill them with manure; on this, place the roots 1 1-2 feet apart. Gradually draw the soil up to them, as the plants begin to grow, until the bed be­comes even. The roots are now deep enough to cultivate over them, which should be done a month before the young plants appear. I remember that in some ranches about this time, the beds were turn­ed over, the tops lightly turned up, and upon this were sown cab­bage and lettuce seeds. The asparagus grew in abundance, while there were enough cabbage plants to furnish the family garden, and lettuce of the best order for the table. Salt, in a small portion, is an excellent addition to the soil of an asparagus bed.
Running Beans.—Haricot.—Large white Lima, Dutch case knife, red or horticultural cranberry, scarlet runner, French saisson (large), German wax (black)*. These may best be planted in hills, 2 inches deep and 3 feet apart, or in drills 1 1-2 feet apart; beans will not stand the frost. As soon as they show signs of running, they should be stuck with a pole or common brush wood, either green or dry.
Dwarf or Snap Beans.—Haricot.—Brush cranberry, Chili bayos, early yellow six weeks, early turtlesoup, early China (snaps), early snap short, early marrowfat (white), English broad Windsor, Prussian bean, early valentine, early Mohawk, early horticultural, German wax, butter, sword long pod, bush cranberry, royal dwarf or large white kidney, French snaps, white and small, fountain, very fine snaps ; flagalet; these should be planted in hills 3 feet apart, or in drills, thinned until they stand a foot apart, two feet between each drill.
Beets.—Early blood turnip, white turnip, yellow turnip, extra early turnip, long white, long blood, or pink or yellow, long smooth blood, white, deep red, white true French sugar beet for making sugar, white Siberian sugar beet, long red mangel wurtzel, red globe mangel wurtzel, yellow globe mangel wurtzel,long white mangel wurtzel, long yellow mangel wurtzeU Prepare your drills 1 1-2 feet apart and sow