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Dandfxion*Leaves.— A fine spring salad, or dressed when tender like salad.
Egg Plant.—Large oval purple, improved New York purple, early long purple, scarlet China (beautiful), white, for ornament; round purple, striped ornamental, long white ornamental, long white China. Sow in beds, boxes or drills as cabbage. Transplant in good soil, in hills or drills, 2 1-2 feet apart each way. The fruit may be cooked like the tomato, boiled, fried or stewed in sauces.
Endive.—Broad leafed, green curled, summer, white curled, wild or chicory, coffee chicory. Sow and thin as lettuce, 8 inches apart. Endive and chicory are the same.
Garlic.—In rows 1 foot apart, set the plants 6 inches apart; let the soil be light. Take up the roots when the leaves turn yellow.
Kale.—Green curled Scotch, sea kale, blue kale, double kale, Siberian or German greens. Cultivate as cabbage ; when young or touched by frost, they become very tender when used as greens, and are an excellent spring salad.
Turnip Rooted Cabbage.—Long white or green, early white Vienna, above ground. As it is difficult to transplant, sow in rows where it is to stand, about 1 1-2 feet apart, and 8 inches apart in the drills.
Leek.—Large thick winter, best flag, long summer. Sow in drills 1 foot apart and 1 inch deep. Transplant when 6 inches high, in rows 10 inches apart each way, deep as possible, that the neck may be blanched by being covered.
Lettuce.—Royal summer white cabbage head, large white cabbage, green Paris coss, white Paris coss, early curled Siberia, ice drum head, very fine; butter or Turkish head cabbage, India head, brown Dutch Princess head, Berlin King's head, large Roman, stone head, curled Simpson, sugar of Paris, and many other varieties. Sow in succession, 1 inch deep; when young, transplant 8 inches apart, in very rich soil. By thus sowing you can have the vegetable all the year. Hog or chicken guano is the best for the purpose.
Mush Melon.—Pine apple, nutmeg, fine, green citron, large yellow, cantaloupe, large Persian, fine; green flesh cantaloupe, the best; Skillman's fine netted, rock mush melon, Chinese, very good, and many others. Plant in hills 4 feet apart, (each having 2 shovels of manure), each way, and cultivate thoroughly and carefully. The plant thrives best in warm, mellow, rich, sandy loam, in a sheltered exposure.
Cucumbers.—Early white spined, best for all purposes; early green cluster, early, short green for pickling, early Russian, long Turkey, extra long green, small gherkins, Man of Kent, martynice for pickles. Plant in very rich soil in hills 4 feet apart each way, and |