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GARDENING.                                    497
* 2 shovelfuls of manure in each hill; an inch deep; thin to 4 in a hill and keep the plant free from insects. The Chinese stick them with long bamboo rods, and water the roots daily. They grow long, straight and beautiful.
Turnips.—Large white, Norfolk, early Dutch, early white flat, English green globe, red top strap leaf, early white strap leaf, white globe, early 6 weeks, white French, German fellow, yellow Aberdeen, snow ball, long white tankard, white rutabaga, early white stone, yellow long stone, yellow Swedish rutabaga, Chinese yellow and white. Prepare a bed of rich soil, and sow in the bed the seeds, mixed with dry dirt, sand or ashes; or 1-2 inch deep in drills 18 inches apart. Thin the plants to 5 or 6 inches in the row. Ruta­bagas 10 inches apart in the row; when sown in beds, are never worked.
Watermelons.—Jackson, Washington, Winston, Ice Cream or Mountain Sweet, York River, Long Island common, Black Spanish, Shanghai, Orange, fine ; Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennes­see, Georgia, Florida, Carolina, melons, striped Gipsey for orna­ment, Citron for preserves—an endless variety. Plant the seed in hills, 6 feet apart each way. The hills should be dug 2 feet deep and filled with manure, mixed with 1-4 soil. I have seen them so large that one man could scarcely lift them; had to be hand­led in tubs or baskets.
Mushroom Spawn.—Make a bed of warm manure about one foot deep and covered with fine soil about 2 inches deep; through this spread the spawn. It does best under cover.
Mustard.—White London, brown, black. Sow in drills 1 foot apart and cover 1-2 inch deep.
Nasturtium.—Tall and dwarf.—In drills 1 inch deep; a beau­tiful garnish and relish for cold meats.
Okra or Gumbo.—Long green, improved dwarf green. Sow in rows three or four feet apart, if the soil is rich; thin the plants, leaving a space of ten inches between each in the drill. .
Onion.—Yellow danders, Bombay onion, large white Portugal, large red Wetherfield, white Silver skins, large yellow Dutch, yellow Silver peel, vegetable onions, Statar onions, top onions. Onions will succeed well when cultivated on the same ground for a number of years, and thrive best in strong, deep, rich, loamy soil. Set the onions or cloves bulbs 3 or 4 inches apart; when propagated from seed, sow thinly in drills 1 foot apart and 1 inch deep. Thin to the same distance apart as the bulbs. Do not let the soil become too hard about the bulbs, nor stir them too deep. Keep free from weeds. Some cover them up in beds in the fall with straw, like Irish pota­toes.