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500                                            BEES.
former is the usual way. The plant set in hills or drills 4 feet apart. The plant cannot be too assiduously and carefully cultivated. In setting out it is best to plant two in a hill, lest one should die. It can be uprooted afterwards. The beet seeds are the Kiblefoot, the white stem, long and short Frederic, Oronoco, James river, &c.
Tomato.—Large red smooth, mammoth red, large early red, red cherry, large yellow, Fiji island, yellow cherry, yellow plum, red plum, trophy, new and fine, pear-shaped yellow and red, small round red or Brazil, upright deloya, Southern tomato. Sow in a box in the house or hot-bed; when the plants are five or six inches high, transplant them five inches apart into boxes, to gradually harden them, before finally setting out; when the weather is warm and set­tled, transplant them again four feet each way, in a light loamy soil, manured liberally, and cultivate well and with care. I have culti­vated 22 kinds of tomatoes at one time. The purple and large yel­low are valuable for table use.
On the management of Bees that Refuse to Swarm.—If the hive is an old one, and an early supply of honey be desired, the best plan to be adopted is that of driving out the greater portion of the bees, and so forming a new swarm artificially ; if the remainder of the bees be driven out, three weeks afterwards, the hive will be found perfectly full of honey, and there will be found no grubs or larvae. The bees driven out on the second occasion can be added to those first driven out, or to any weak store that requires strengthening. We have just performed this operation on one of our own hives, and have taken upwards of 60 pounds of honey without having to destroy a single grub. There is no doubt whatever, that where hives are employed that do not admit of being sapered, there is no more profitable mode of management than the one above recommended. —The Field.
The bee luxuriates on the bloom of clover fields, fruit blossoms, buckwheat flowers, minicaette, lemon, thyme, bean flowers, mign­onette, borage, sage, mellow fruits, and all kinds of fragrant shrubs and flowers.
Honey should be on every table, not only as a luxury, but a healthy article everywhere. The process for keeping it in all its freshness the year round should be known to every housekeeper^ so that every family may be able to make their own honey. It should be run through a sieve in order to get out all the wax ; boil gently in an earthen or copper kettle, then pour into another vessel; set away in a cool place, tightly covered; the next day