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be indiscriminately fed by visitors. Keep the cage extremely clean ; let it be wiped out and fresh sand be given every day. Some birds drink very little, but they should always be able to get a drink of fresh water, if they wish. Keep the canary can full of seed. The bread and milk, in the morning, should not be forgotten.
Food for Mocking Birds.—Mix together 2 parts corn meal, a parts peasmeal and 1 part moss meal; add a little melted lard, but not sufficient to make the mixture too greasy, and sweeten with molasses. Fry in a frying-pan for 1-2 hour, stirring constantly, and taking care not to let it burn. This makes it keep well. Put it in a covered jar. The moss-meal is prepared by drying and grinding the imported German moss seed. Peas boiled and mashed are as good as the meal for the preparation.
Fruit for Birds.—The dwarf mountain June berry, the huckleberry, red mulberry and elderberries are a healthy diet, and are much liked by birds, and it behooves those who keep them to cater to their tastes, and these things are cheap, and can be easily grown for them.
The Stuffing for Tomatoes.—Remove the part next to the stem with a sharp knife, then with a teaspoon carefully take out the seed, so as not to break the rind of the fruit; then place these in order around a frying pan with a spoonful of butter or a jill of sweet oil; then chop up some mush, a handful of parsley, and four shalots or some chives, a good spoonful of fat bacon that has been scraped, say 2 oz., and the same quantity of lean ham, grated or ground or chopped; season with a little thyme chopped fine, salt, pepper and a little nutmeg (if fancied). Fry these over the stove for five minutes, then mix in the yolks of 4 well beaten eggs, till the ingredients are a smooth batter; fill the tomato rinds with it, then shake over them some light brown raspings of bread, then set the pan over a brisk fire, holding a red-hot salamander over them for ten minutes; then serve hot, or use as you wish for pig or fowl.'
Panada for Forcemeats.—Put 2-3 of a cup of water into a quart stew-pan, with a moderate spoonful of butter, when boiling, stir in 4 oz. of flour, stirring it constantly until done and smooth. Pour it out of the pan to cool, and use as wished.
For Hare or Anything in Imitation of It.—Take scalded liver, an anchovy, some fat bacon, a little salt, some parsley, thyme, knitted marjoram, a little sholot, and either onion or chives, all chopped fine; crumbs of bread, pepper and nutmeg, beat in a mortar with eggs. This is very fine for stuffing veal or mutton ham.
Stuffing for Game, Turkey, Veal and Baked Fish. — Equal |