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506                          FORCEMEATS OR STUFFING.
comes to a boil. In five minutes it will be ready for serving with the fowl. If cooked according to recipe, it will be found excellent. If clams are substituted for oysters, they should be removed from the fowl before sending them to the table, as they become tough, and flavorless, and should not be eaten while the juice runs into the gravy.
Onion Stuffing.—After peeling twelve large perfectly sound onions, parboil them for 15 minutes then lay them in a cloth to dry. Mince finely cold roast veal, beef, or fowl, with sage, three hard boiled eggs, grated, and grated crumbs of bread. Season with grat­ed nutmeg and mace, or pepper and salt. Then remove the inside of each onion, so as not to spoil the outside and fill them with the preparation. Set them in a pan and boil them in milk till done; when the milk simmers, add some butter made into a paste with flour. Serve upon buttered toast, or the onions with the ingredients can be made into a stuffing for a fowl.
Force Meat Balls for Fish Soups.—Or fish stewed during » Lent.—Beat the flesh and soft parts of a middling lobster; one-half of a herring, a large piece of boiled celery, the yolk of a hard egg, a little cayenne, mace, salt, and white pepper, with 2 table-spoonfuls of bread crumbs, 1 spoonful of oyster liquor, 2 spoonfuls butter warmed, and 2 eggs long beaten; make into balls, fry of a fine brown in butter.
Little Eggs for Turtle.—Boil 3 hard yolks of eggs in a mortar and make into a paste with the yolk of a raw one, roll into small ball and throw them into boiling water for 2 minutes to harden.
Dressing for Turkey.—(C. Kennicot.)—One pint of soaked bread, 2 tablespoonfuls of sage, 2 tablespoonfuls of summer savory, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt, 2 teaspoonsful of pepper, butter the size of an egg ; mix thoroughly.
The Stuffing.—The liver and heart chopped fine, and bread crumbs; soften it with milk; take the bread out and mix with 1-2 pound of sausage meat, onion an<^ parsley, chopped fine, simmered in butter; put in a dish; add salt and pepper, 2 or 3 eggs ; fill up the turkey before it is cooked.
Hachis.—(French.)—Take any sort of meat, game or poultry that has been washed or otherwise dressed, and chop up fine; re­move the skins and strings, add sausage, season with parsley, and green onions, and bread crumbs and 2 or 3 eggs beaten up, accord­ing to the meat. Put it into a saucepan and fry with a bit of butter and a pinch of flour; pour in broth and let it simmer for one-half hour over a good fire. This may be used as stuffing for goose or turkey, with a little lemon squeezed over it.
Forcemeat for Fowls.—(A Hamburg Recipe.)—Take soaked