The American Pictorial Home Book
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A reference manual of household management in Victorian times.

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ing, but clean and wash all the food out. Scrape out the corners, that all the offensive or stale matter may be removed. Wash with hot water and add a handful of caustic lime and sprinkle over the bottom.
Egg bound Fowls.—Give a dose of castor oil; if this does not do, inject 2 tablespoonfuls of warm olive oil against the egg by means of a syringe. Should there be a rupture, keep the bird quiet. Give sufficient opium for this purpose beginning with 1-2 grain dose; to prevent inflamation, feed low.
Hatching cold Eggs.—When a hen leaves her nest for a day or two remove them to a hot oven of 95 degrees and they will hatch themselves.
•Choice of Eggs for Setting.—Round, short, smooth shelled eggs alone are proper for hatching. Avoid long rough shelled ones for this purpose.
To make Hens lay.—Boil some oats till soft, then fry them in hot fat and you will have any quantity of eggs.
To preserve Eggs.—Pack them away in dry plaster in a dry place ; they will keep a year,
Parisian Mode of Preserving Eggs.—Dissolve 1-4 lb. of bees
wax in 1-2 lb. of warm olive oil; in this put the tip of the finger and
- anoint the egg all around. The oil will be completely absorbed by
the shell and the pores filled up by the wax. If kept in a cool dry
place, the eggs, after 2 years will be as good as if fresh laid.
To prevent Gapes.—Apply to the heads of the chickens an oint­ment composed of 1 oz. each of mercurial ointment and pure lard, 1-2 oz. of sulphur flowers, 1-2 oz. crude petroleum.
A certain Cure for Gaping.—Is the vapor from carbolic acid; place a little of the crystalized acid in a spoon or metal saucer, hold it over a candle or lamp; hold the bird so that it will be obliged to inhale the fumes, being careful not to protract it so long as to kill the chick. Generally one application is sufficient.
Gapes in chickens is believed to be caused by a worm, the pro­genitor of which is a louse found on the head of chickens soon after hatching. This louse deposits its eggs in the nostril of the chicken, where it hatches, and the resulting worms are worked back into the trachea of the bird, causing gapes and finally suffocation; and these lice should be bestroyed by being picked off.
Chicken Cholera.—Make a decoction of smart weed as strong as can be ; then mix the meal with it to feed the chickens. Allow 2 or 3 pints to 2 or 3 gallons of meal. To not suffer it to become sour, but make a new supply ; feed the fowls with it 2 or 3 times a day.
Distemper in Geese or Garcil.—Pound together several cloves