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alternate days use the iodide of sulphur, made half as strong as the iodide of mercury, but if the irritation still continues, apply another linseed poultice. Generally this application acts in a wonderfu manner after a day or two, and reduces the disease to a mere scurf. But this must not by any means be considered a cure, until the skin is sound and the hair comes out again, which it does in the course of time. The above remedies destroy the vegetable fungus in which the disease essentially consists. If but little scurf remain, instead of the ointment, use a wash composed of 10 to 20 grains of chloride of zinc, 2 oz. glycerine; rose water, 6 oz; mix. Or, sometimes use an ointment of creosote, composed of 1-2 fluid drachm of creosote with 1 oz. of lard, melted till thoroughly incorporated. I have met with the following directions, which I, with the above, consider ex­tremely valuable, for so loathsome a disease known as tetter or scald head: Take of carbonate of soda 1 drachm which dissolve in 1-2 pint of vinegar. Wash the head every morning with soft soap, and apply the lotion night and morning. One teaspoonful of sul­phur and treacle should also be given occasionally night and morn­ing. The hair should be cut close, and around the spot it should be shaved off and the part bathed night and morning with a lotion made by dissolving 1 drachm of sulplurin 6 ozs. of water. A small piece of either of the subjoined ointments, rubbed into the part when the lotion has dried in. No. 1. Take of citron ointment 1 drachm.; sulphur and tar ointments, pf each 1-2 oz.; mix thoroughly and apply twice a day. No. 2. Take of simple cerate, 1 oz.; creo­sote 1 dram.; calomel, 30 grains; mix and use in the same manner as the first. Concurrent with these external remedies, the child should take an alterative powder every morning; or, if they act too much on the bowels, only every second day. An important fact must be remembered by mother or nurse, never to use the same comb or wipe on the same towel employed for the child with a dis­eased scalp for the healthy children, or let the little afflicted one sleep with those that are free from the disease; and, for fear of any contact with hands, head or otherwise, to keep the child's head en­veloped in a tight cap until the eruption is completely cured.
N. B.—I have known several families to take scald head imme­diately from one individual. A little boy took it from a young friend whom he loved dearly ; others from him, &c, till it was circu­lated. None knew how infectious or contagious it was, or that it was so at all, and after many years of regrets, with visiting of water­ing places and heavy medical bills, they were cured by using the old fashioned but repulsive remedy of anointing the places with equal portions of flowers of sulphur and pure lard, perfumed with oil of roses. The hair being shaven closely, the scalp repeatedly washed