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THE HAIR. 531 |
and kept cleart, wearing a cap, keeping free from exposure to draught and cold. Taking daily, as an apperient, cream of tartar.
To remove scurf from the head, take 8 ozs. of castor oil, 6 ozs. of olive oil, 1-2 oz. of tincture of cantharides; mix it well and add 2 drams of essence of bergamot to render it agreeable. Or mix equal quantities of rum and oil, and use it like oil alone. Or take equal portions of castor oil, sweet oil and rum.
Depilatories for Removing Superfluous Hair.—All articles of this kind should be used with much care, as the skin sometimes comes off with the hair, causing a very unpleasant sore. But many persons will use them, notwithstanding the danger. Mix a sufficient of the powder with warm water to form a paste; place enough on the hair to cover it, and allow it to remain a few minutes, or until its aciion on the skin be sensibly felt; then remove it with a penknife or a paper knife, like removing the beard with lather; apply a little cold cream or oil after washing the place well with clear water.
Hair Superflous, to Remove.—Make a plaster of shoemaker's wax, spread it over a very fine and strong cloth or an old kid glove, warm it just enough to make it stick to the skin, then pull off suddenly. It will not smart much, then wash the spot or arms in warm soapsuds; when partially dry, rub on some wood ashes and wash off at once in clear water, then grease the skin. This application, repeated a few times as the hair grows out, will entirely destroy the roots.
Bandoline or Fire Tan for the Hair.—Take good Irish moss one lb.; cover it with water, and allow it to stand for 30 minutes or more, then pour off the water and add about a quart more of fresh water; put it on the stove and boil till dissolved; then strain it through a cloth without squeezing it; if, on cooling a little, it is too solid, add sufficient water to make it the consistency of thick syrup. It can be perfumed with attar of roses or anything desired; a few drops is sufficient to answer the purpose. If required to keep for some time, dissolve five grains corrosive sublimate and ten grains of muriate of ammonia in a little water and add to it. If required of a pink color, pass a little alcohol through cudbear to tinge it, or bloom of roses can be used when the sublimate is omitted. Quince seeds are superior to Irish moss, if they can be obtained, and are prepared in a similar way. Put in bottles or jars and keep closely.
Bandoline for the Hair.—English.—Boil a tablespoonful of linseed in a pint of water for five minutes. Strain and bottle for use. |