The American Pictorial Home Book
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ladies' toilet.                               539
on the face which exudes from the stalks and leaves of garden let­tuce, at night and in the morning; wash it off with a solution of spirits of ammonia.
To Protect the Skin from the Strongest Frost.—Put 3 to 6 drops of glycerine into water before washing the hands and face, or, if only washing the hands, put one drop into the palm of the hand after washing off the soap and dirt, rub all over the hands and wrists, and then dry thoroughly. This is also good for sunburn.
For Chapped Skins fr&m the Cold and Wind.—Apply cold cream or glycerine at night and wash off in the morning with car­bolic soap. To avoid rough skins from exposure, before going out rub the face, arms and throat well with cold cream or pure almond oil.
A Fine Wash for the Skin.—Put two tablespoonfuls of ammo­nia in a basin of water.
Ointment for Pimples.—Thirty-six grains bicarbonate of soda, 1 drachm of glycerine, 1 oz. of spermaceti
To Produce a Healthy Action of the Skin.—Dip the toes in water every morning and night, and rub the feet till perfectly dry.
Rain Water is the best lotion, bloom of youth, and cosmetic for the skin.
To Take Wrinkles Out of the Face, or Prevent Them.— Cover the head and hold the face over the fumes of powdered myrrh heated on an iron plate.
To Remove Wrinkles.—Thirty-six grains of turpentine, 3 drachms of water; mix and apply at night, letting it dry.
When the Wrinkles are Deeper.—Use 2 1-2 drachms of es­sence of turpentine, 1 drachm gum mastic, 2 ozs. fresh butter; mix with the lotion; wash the face, and let it dry without wiping.
Eruptions on the Face.—Dissolve 1 oz. of borax in a quart of water, and apply with a sponge on going to bed. This will destroy the insect working under the cuticle.
Camrhorated Almond Paste.—This preparation is used for softening the skin and chapped hands, roughness of skin, &c.
Cosmetic for the Complexion.—Mix glycerine with water and a small quantity of alcohol; add cologne or other perfume, and you have preparation excellent for the complexion.
The Great Secret of Enameling the Skin.—Get from the druggist the purest and most refined glycerine and lily or Parisian white and rouge; before going to bed wash in simple hot water as can be borne (that of rain water is the best), the parts you design to malje white, then dry rub with a coarse towel till perfectly free from moisture; then moisten a linen cloth with the pure glycerine,