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ladies' toilet.
Spanish Wool.—A Cosmetic.—Separate the coloring matter from safflower by washing them until the water that comes off is colorless; dry, powder and digest in a weak solution of carbonate of soda; then place some cotton wool at the bottom of the vessel and throw down the coloring matter by gradually adding lemon juice or white vinegar till it ceases to produce a precipitate. Next wash the cot­ton wool in cold watter, then dissolve out the color with a fresh solu­tion of soda: add a quantity of finely powdered French chalk, pro­portioned to the intended quantity of rouge; mix well and precipi­tate as before. Lastly, collect "the powder, dry with great care and triturate it with a minute quantity of oil of olives to render it smooth and adhesive.
Remark.—This is the only article which will brighten a lady's complexion without injuring the skin. The relative fineness of the chalk and the proportion employed determine the quality of the rouge.
Cresson Rouge, or Spanish Wool.—It is very convenient to use cotton or crape for absorbing coloring matter. It should be put in the dye before the lemon juice or citric acid is added, and after­wards washed in water to remove the acid.
Cold Cream for the Skin.—1-2 pound of new sweet lard, 4 ozs. white wax; melt together. When nearly cold, perfume to fancy. Or, add to the above 1 1-2 ozs. spermaceti; melt together and gradually add 1 pint of oil of sweet almonds instead of the lard. Have ready a porcelain mortar warmed with hot water and after­wards thrown out; pour in the melted wax etc. and add gradually 1 pint of distilled rose water; if not to be had, use spring water, (rain water will not answer). Take particular care, after each addition of water, that it is well incorporated with the grease, and remove with a knife the portions that remain attached to the sides, so that the whole may be homogeneous. If the water be added too fast, the greater part will come out of the grease, and it cannot be incorpo­rated again without beginning the process ; when the water is all in, add 10 or 20 drops of attar of roses and fill the pots immediately. Tap them on a firm surface to make the cream settle smoothly, re­sembling wax. If desired, 1 or 2 ozs. of alcohol may be added, It is better to puc into wide mouthed bottles. The cream will keep good for 12 months.
Glycerine Cream.—Excellent for chapped hands or skin ; white wax, 4 drachms; spermacetti, 2 drachms; oil of almonds, 2 ozs.; melt the wax and spermacetti, add the oil and 2 ozs. of glycerine; stir until cold.
Home Made Court Plaster.—1 ounce French isinglass, 1 pint of warm water j stir it until it dissolves; add 10 cents' worth of