The American Pictorial Home Book
or Housekeeper's Encyclopedia - online book

A reference manual of household management in Victorian times.

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Lemon Cream for Sunburns or Freckles.—Sweet cream, i oz.; new milk, 8 ozs.; juice of a lemon; brandy and glycerine, i oz.; alum i oz.; sugar, i drachm. Boil and skim.
To remove tan and freckles from the face, apply glycerine and lemon juice, or, take some old iron and put it in water, and with the rust water apply the face.
Freckle Lotion.—Mix 2 ozs. of rectified spirits of wine. 2 tea-spoonfuls of muriatic acid with a pound of water; apply with a soft cloth.
To Remove Tan.—Make a paste of magnesia and soft water; spread on the face for a minute or two. Wash off with castile soap and rinse with soft water.
Freckle Lotion.—Two drachms cologne water, 1 drachm, muri­ate of ammonia, distilled or rain water, 7 ozs.; mix and use as a wash. It contains nothing harmful.
Sleep, it is said, by a great thinker, repairs the waste which wak­ing hours have made. It builds up the system; the night is the repair shop for the body. Every part of the system is thoroughly overhaul­ed, and the organs; tissues and substances are replenished. Wak­ing consumes and exhausts, sleep replaces and repairs. A man who would be a good worker must be a good sleeper. A man has as much force in him as he is provided for in sleep.
Cure for Sleeplessness.—It is said, that when overwakeful, get out of bed, dip a piece of cloth in water, lay this around the wrist; then wrap the dry portion over this and pin it, to keep it in place. This will exert a composing inflence over the nervous system, and producing a sweet sleep, reducing the pulse; a handkerchief folded lengthwise will do. It is easy ; try it.
Who Require the most Sleep.—Hard thinking people. Time, taken from necessary hours of sleep, is lost, and it soon causes days of physical and mental indisposition to application and often suffer­ing ; and which, often repeated, if not fatal, renders the violator of natures laws more or less a sufferer during life. The man of busi­ness with a thousand cares upon his mind, the student, or the over working professional man, are the greatest sufferers from loss of sleep.
A deadly* foe to a long life is an unnatural and unreasonable excite­ment. Eating too much and too fast and swallowing imperfectly masticated food; by taking too much fluid at meals, keeping late hours at night and sleeping too late in the morning; wearing cloth*