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ing too tight, so as to relax the circulation, wearing thin shoes, neglecting exercise and not washing the skin.
Mercury.—Never give mercury to a debilitated patient.
For Persons who walk a great deal,—To prevent the feet from soreness, rub them well with a mixture of equal parts of alcohol and castor oil; let it remain a few minutes, then with a cloth wipe it off.
Sleep.—One hour's sleep will often cure a mild form of indigestion.
How to produce Sleep.—One grain of camphor in the form of a pill, followed by x-2 oz. of the infusion of hops; or, 1-2 teacupfulof hop tea with 5 drops sulphur ether; or, bathe the head with camphor.
Should persons be overtaken by a shower it is best, if at work, to continue to work busily until dry, if not able to change at once your clothing. If walking, continue to walk rapidly on until your clothing is dry, or on reaching home change your clothing without delay. Then take something hot, as lemonade, hot water and vinegar, &c, instantly; rub yourself down thoroughly with a coarse towel or brush. It is best to put on woolen clothing and wrap up warm in bed, and take something hot again, and go to sleep if you can, and in an hour rise up and dress yourself; if it be during the day, then move about. If possible, in removing damp clothes, it should be done before the fire. No one should sit in damp clothing, for in doing so persons are oftener than otherwise attacked with a violent cold, pneumonia or pleurisy, which, if not fatal, may take years to recover from.
Air, Hot and Cold.—Warm air is not necessarily impure, nor cold air necessarily pure.
Necessity of Good Ventilation, in Rooms lighted with Gas. —In dwelling houses lighted with gas the frequent renewal of the air is of great importance. A single gas burner will consume oxi-gen and produce more carbonic acid to deteriorate the atmosphere of the room than six or eight candles. If therefore, when several burners are used, no provision is made fur the escape of the corrupted air and for the introduction of pure air from without; the health will necessarily suffer.
Blood and Air.—The air is a purifier of the blood, and the more we take in the more perfectly is that process performed ; hence the more a consumptive stays in the house the more certain and speedy his death.
Weak Eyes.—Persons with weak eyes should not read or write, or do fine sewing, on an empty stomach,
Warm Beds,—Getting out of a warm bed and going to an open door or window has been the death of multitudes. |