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spoonful of lobelia leaves and seeds, a large spoonful, heaped, of loaf sugar, simmered for 30 minutes in 3 cupfuls of water till it looks clear and begins to thicken ; when cold, add a teaspoonful of para-goric. Dose: 1 tablespoonful for an adult and 1 teaspoonful for a child, or less, taken now and then. This is excellent in throat and lung diseases, and difficulty in breathing and strangulation*
Remedy for Bronchitis—Take honey in the comb, squeeze it out and dilute it with a little water; wet the lips and mouth occasionally with it. It has never been known to fail in cases where children had throats so swollen as to be unable to swallow. It is a simple remedy; and comes well recommended.
A Cough Mixture.—One oz of liquorice, 1-2 oz. gum arable, 4 teaspoonfuls af antimonial wine. Keep it in a cool place and take t tablespoonful when needed.
Balsam of Wild Cherry.—Mix 4 grains acetate of morphine, 2 fluid ozs of the tincture of blood root, 3 fluid drachms of antimonial wine, 3 fluid ozs. of syrup of wild cherry.
Cough Tea.—Domestic.—Make a very strong tea of the flowers of life everlasting ; strain it through a cloth, and to every quart put 2 oz of liquorice root cut up in small pieces, and 2 ozs. of figs or raisins cut up; boil all together for 2 minutes. Drink freely after adding the juice of a lemon ; taking care to keep out of the cold air for several hours.
Hop Syrup for a Cough.—One oz. hops, 1 pint water, 1 tablespoonful of flaxseed, boil till reduced to one-half and strain; add 1-2 pint of molasses or brown sugar, boil till thick. Dose, 1 tablespoonful.
Syrup of Sunflower Seeds for Cough.—One gill of sunflower seed, boil in a quart of water to one-half, strain it, add 1 leaspoon-sul of loaf sugar, 1-2 pint gin, bottle; shake before using. Take when the cough is troublesome. Good also for whooping cough. Valuable.
Hoarhound Cough Syrup.—Boil hoarhound, liverwort, spikenard and yellow ferrilla in a quart of water to one half or less ; strain, add black molasses, and boil a little again. Use as often as required, 3 times a day or oftener.
A Southern Cough Mixture.—One teaspoonful home made beaten mustard, 1 teaspoonful of home made cayenne pepper or Chili, 1 teaspoonful of salt in a tumblerful of pure honey.
whooping cough.
Whooping Cough.—With its mode of treatment.—Is purely a spasmodic disease of an infectious or epidemic nature, and maybe |