The Complete Fairy Tales & Other Stories
By Hans Christian Andersen - online book

Oxford Complete Illustrated Edition all his stories written between 1835 and 1872.

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THE A.B.C. BOOK                       595
H. Hurrah
Hurrah is used to mark applauSe, And often for but trifling cause.
1 How 's a child to understand that now ? ' said the cock, ' there certainly stands on the title-page " A.B.C. book for big and little ", but the big ones have other things to do than read A.B.C. verses, and the little ones cannot possibly understand it ! There is limit to everything ! Let us go on ! '
I. Island
Our earth an Island is in space, And we but atoms on its face.
The Kine are kindred to the bull,
And with their calves the fields are full.
1 How can one explain to children the relationship of these to each other ? '
L. Lion
In deserts wild the Lions roam, But we have other lions at home.
M. Morning Sun The Morning sun its beams has shown, But not because the cock has crown.
1 Now I am being insulted ! ' said the cock, ' but I am in good company, in company with the sun. Let 's go on ! '
N. Negro
Black is the Negro past all hope, One cannot wash him white with soap.
0. Olive
The Olive leaf of Noah's dove Must rank all other leaves above.
P. Post
The Post conveys from land to land The work of many a head and hand.