The Complete Fairy Tales & Other Stories
By Hans Christian Andersen - online book

Oxford Complete Illustrated Edition all his stories written between 1835 and 1872.

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596                         THE A.B.C. BOOK
Q. Quey
A Quey will one day be a cow, And so is worth the having now.
R. Round-tower
One may as stout as Round-tower stand, And yet have neither name nor land
S. Swine
Be not too proud, though all the Swine That in the forest feed are thine
' Allow me to crow now ! ' said the cock, ' it tries one's strength to read so much ! one must take a breath ! ' and he crowed, so that it rang like a brass trumpet, and it was a great delight to hear it—for the cock.
T. Tea-kettle
Though lowly the Tea-kettle's place, It sings writh all a Tea-urn's grace.
U. Uranus Though far as Uranus we fly, Beyond is still the endless sky.
W. Washerwoman
A Washerwoman may wash so long That things will tear, however strong.
X. Xanthippe
' Here he hasn't been able to invent anything new.'
A stormy cliff in wedlock's seas Xanthippe proved to Socrates.
' He had to take Xanthippe ; but Xanthus is better.'
Y. Ygdrasil
'Neath Ygdrasil the gods did dwell; The tree is dead, and the gods as well.
Z. Zephyr
The Danish Zephyr from the west
Can blow through fur-lined coat and vest.