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clouds change ; new vineyards, forests, villages, villas, and gardens sprang up, came in sight, and rolled away again. The chestnut tree moved forward, the Dryad forward with it, engine after engine rushed close past each other and crossed each other ; the engines sent out clouds, which formed figures that told of the Paris they came from, and to which the Dryad was bound.
Everything round about knew and must understand whither her way led ; she thought that every tree she went past stretched out its branches to her, and begged : ' Take me with you ! take me with you I' In every tree there was also a Dryad full of longing. What changes ! What a journey ! It seemed as if houses shot up out of the earth, more and more, closer and closer. Chimneys rose like flower-pots, placed above each other and side by side along the roofs ; great inscriptions with letters a yard long, painted figures on the walls from the ground-floor to the cornice shone forth.
1 Where does Paris begin, and when shall I be in it ? ' the Dryad asked herself. The crowds of people increased, the noise and bustle grew greater, carriage followed carriage, men on foot followed men on horse, and all round was shop upon shop, music and song, screaming and talking.
The Dryad in her tree was in the midst of Paris.
The great, heavy cart stopped in a little square, planted with trees, surrounded by high houses, where every window had its balcony. People looked down from there upon the young, fresh chestnut tree which was driven up, and which was now to be planted here, in place of the worn-out, uprooted tree, which lay stretched along the ground. People stood still in the square, and looked at the spring verdure, smiling and delighted ; the older trees, still only in bud, greeted her with rustling branches, ' Welcome ! welcome !' and the fountain which threw its jets of water into the air, letting them splash again into the broad basin, allowed the wind to carry drops over to the newly-arrived tree, as if it would offer it a cup of welcome.
The Dryad felt that its tree was lifted from the cart and placed in its future position. The tree's roots were hidden in the earth, fresh turf was laid over them ; blossoming shrubs and pots of flowers were planted like the tree ; here |