The Complete Fairy Tales & Other Stories
By Hans Christian Andersen - online book

Oxford Complete Illustrated Edition all his stories written between 1835 and 1872.

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the loveliest incense. There came a fragrance as from the church ; there came a fragrance from God's nature. They felt truly the happiness of home, content with their lowly condition, and so their life became a real sunshine story.'
' Shall we stop now ? ' said the Wind. ' Sunshine has talked long enough now. I am tired of it,! '
' I also,' said the Rain.
What do we others, who have heard the stories, say i We say . . . now they are finished.
Great-grandfather was so very nice and wise and good that we all looked up to him. He was really called, as far back as I can remember, ' Grandfather,' but when my brother's little son, Frederick, came into the family, he was advanced to ' Great-grandfather ' ; higher up he could not get ! He thought so much of all of us, but he seemed not to think so much of our times. ' Old times were the best times,' he said, ' they were steady and solid : now there is such a rush and such a turning up and down of everything. Youth leads the talk, and speaks of roj-alty itself as if they were its equal. Every person from the street can dip his rag in dirty water and wring it out on the head of a gentleman.'
With such talk Great-grandfather got very red in the face, but a little time after, his friendly smile reappeared, and then the words, ' Well, well, perhaps I am a little mistaken ! I stand in old times and cannot get a proper foothold hi the new. May our Father lead and guide them !'
When Great-grandfather talked about old times it was just as if I had them before me. In thought I drove in a golden chariot with attendants in livery, saw the guilds carrying their signs in procession with music and flags, and took part in the delightful Christmas parties, with forfeits and mumming.
There was certainly, also, in those times much that was