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he threw the heavy stone tables down on the feet of the bridegroom and pinned them to the church floor.
* I cannot lift them again,' said Moses, ' you have knocked my arm off ! Stand as you stand now ! '
Then came Adam and Eve, the wise men from the East, and the four Seasons ; each of these told him unpleasant truths, and said ' For shame ! '
But he was not in the least ashamed.
All the figures which each stroke of the clock had to exhibit came out of it, and all increased to a terrible size ; there seemed scarcely to be room for the real people; and when at the stroke of twelve the watchman appeared with his fur cap and halberd, there was a wonderful commotion ; the watchman walked straight up to the bridegroom and struck him on the forehead with his halberd.
' Lie there,' he said, ' like for like ! we are avenged and our master as well ! we vanish ! '
And so the whole work disappeared ; but the candles round about in the church became great bouquets, and the gilded stars on the ceiling of the church sent out long, clear beams, and the organ played of itself. All the people said it was the most incredible thing they had ever experienced.
1 Will you then summon the right one !' said the Princess, 1 the one who made the work of art ; let him be my lord and husband.'
And he stood in the church with the whole of the people for his retinue. All were glad and all blessed him ; there was not one who was jealous—and that was the most incredible thing of all. |
What did the whole family say ? Well, listen first to what little Mary said.
It was little Mary's birthday, the loveliest of all days, she thought. All her little friends came to play with her, and she wore the most beautiful dress ; she had got it from her Grandmother, who was now with the good God, |