British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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March io.]             oxford local custom.                           12$"
and it is only altered in the spelling, without the slightest deviation in sense, from the old Saxon word Ceoj-1, the name for a husbandman. The older denomination of the day, then, may not have been Care, but Carl Sunday, from the benefac­tions to the Carles or Garlen. A correspondent of Notes & Queries (1st S. vol. iii. 449) tells us that on the north-east coast of England, where the custom of frying dry peas on this day is attended with much augury, some ascribe its origin to the loss of a ship freighted with peas on the coast of Northumberland. Carling is the foundation beam of a ship, or the beam on the keel.
In several villages in the vicinity of Wisbeach, in the Isle of Ely, the fifth Sunday in Lent has been, time immemorial, commemorated by the name of Whirlin Sunday, when cakes are made by almost every family, and are called, from the day, Whirlin Cakes.Gent Mag. 1789, vol. lix. p. 491.
The rustics go to the public-house of the village, and" spend each their Carling-groat, i.e., that sum in drink, for the Carlings are provided for them gratis; and a popular notion prevails that those who do not do this will be un­successful in their pursuits for the following year.—Brand,. Pop. Antiq., 1849, vol. i. p. 114.
March io.]                    Oxfordshire.
William Handt, by will dated the 10th of March, 1622,. bequeathed to the parish of St. Giles5, Oxford, £40, upon con­dition that, upon the 10th of March for ever, in the morning, about 5 o'clock, they should ring one peal with all the bells, and about 8 or 9 o'clock should go to service, and read all the service, with the Litany and the Communion, as it i&+
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