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198                              st. george's day.                   [April 23.
bound to attend the Mayor, or to " ride against the king,'' as it is expressed, or for " riding the George" or for any other thing to the pleasure of the Mayor and worship of the town. St. George's horse, harnessed, used to stand at the end of St. George's Chapel, in St. Martin's Church, Leicester.— Fosbroke, Diet, of Antiq.
St. George's Day was at one time celebrated at Dublin with high veneration. In the Chain-book of the city of Dublin are several entries to that purpose:
" Item. 1. It was ordered in maintenance of the pageant of St. George, that the Mayor of the foregoing year should find the Emperor and Empress with their train and followers well apparelled and accoutered, that is to say, the Emperor attended with two doctors, and the Empress with two knights, and two maidens richly apparelled to bear up the train of her gown.
" Item 2. The Mayor for the time being was to find St. George a horse, and the wardens to pay 3s. 4d. for his wages that day. The bailiffs for the time being were to find four horses, with men mounted on them, well apparelled, to bear the pole-axe, the standard, and the several swords of the Emperor and St. George.
" Item 3. The elder master of the guild was to find a maiden well attired to lead the dragon, and the clerk of the market was to find a golden line for the dragon.
" Item 4. The elder warden was to find for St. George four trumpets; but St. George himself was to pay their wages.
" Item 5. The younger warden was obliged to find the King of Dele and the Queen of Dele, as also two knights, to lead the Queen of Dele, and two maidens to bear the train of her gown, all being entirely clad in black apparel. Moreover, he was to cause St. George's Chapel to be well hung in black, and completely apparelled to every purpose, and was to provide it with cushions, rushes, and other necessaries for the festivity of that day."—Harris, History of Dublin^ 1766, p. 146.
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