British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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348                                        LAMMAS DAY.                           [AUG. I.
ancient quarter-days in England, and they continue general in Scotland.—Timbs, Things not Generally Known, 1856, p. 154 ; see Soane's New Curiosities of Literature, vol ii. p. 123 ; Brand's Pop. Antiq. 1849, vol. i. p. 347.
It was once customary in England to give money to servants on Lammas Day, to buy gloves; hence the term glove-silver. It is mentioned among the ancient customs of the Abbey of St. Edmund, in which the clerk of the cellarer had 2d., the cellarer's squire, lid., the granger, lid., and the -cowherd a penny.—Med. AEvi Kalend. vol. i. p. 334.
The charter for Exeter Lammas Fair is perpetuated by a glove of immense size, stuffed and carried through the city on a very long pole, decorated with ribbons, flowers, &c, and attended with music, parish beadles, and the mobility. It is afterwards placed on the top of the Guildhall, and then the fair commences; on the taking down of the glove the fair terminates.—Every Day Book, vol. ii. p. 1059.
Isle of Man.
The first Sunday in August is called, by the Manks peasantry, yn chied doonaght a ouyr. On that day they crowd in great numbers to the tops of the highest hills, in the north to the summit of Snafeld, and in the south to the top of Barule. Others visit the sanative wells of the island, which are held in the highest estimation. The veneration with which the Pagan deities were regarded having been transferred along with their fanes and fountains to Christian saints, sanctified and sanative wells became the resort of the pious pilgrim, and by the credulous invalid libations and devotions were, according to ancient practice, performed at these holy springs, which were believed to be guarded by presiding powers to whom offerings were left by the visitants. Many a wonderful cure is said to have been effected by the waters of St. Catherine's Well at Port Erin; by the Chibbyr Parick, or well of St. Patrick, on the west end of the hill of Lhargey-graue ; by Lord Henry's Well on the south beach of
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