British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

A calendar of the traditional customs, practices & rituals of the British Isles.

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( 510 )
Abbe de Liesse, 459
Abbot of Misrule, 459
Acres Fair, 388
Advent Bells, 431
Agatha (St.), 374
Agnes' (St.) Day, 47
Agnes' (St.) Eve, 46
Agnes' (St.) Fast, 46
Alaf-mass, 347
Ale, the Whitsun, 278
Allan Day, 395
Alleluia, Funeral of the, 45
All Fools' Day, 184
All Hallows' Day, 397
All Hallow Mass, 55
All Saints' Day, 404
All Souls' Day, 409
All Souls' Eve, 405
Andermess, 430
Andisop, 431
Andrew's (St.), Day, 429
Andrew's (St.), Under Shaft, 247
Androis Mess, 430
Andrys Day, 430
Anne's (St.) Day, 346, 357
Annunciation, Festival of, 180
Apparition of St. Michael, 275
Apples, given away on New Year's Day, 5
Apples, ducking for, on Halloween, 394
Apple-trees, wassailing of^ 450
April Gouks, 187
Apprentices' Feast, 355
Array, Court of, 287
Ascension Day, 210
Ash Wednesday, 84
Ashton faggot, 446
Ass-ridlin, 199
Assumption of the Virgin Marv, 357
Aughrim, battle of, 340
August, Gule of, 347
Auld Handsel Monday, 19
Avage or Avisage, 416
Bacchus, Verses written in honour of, 58
Bacon, gammon of, eaten at Easter, 162
Bairn-bishop, 291
Baker's Clem, 423
Balmoral Castle, Halloween at, 401
Bannich Bruader, 90
Bannich Junit, 89
Barchan's (St.) Day, 437
Barnabas' (St.) Day, 310
Barring out, 72
Bartholomew's (St.) Day, 361
Barton Fair, 379
Bay, used as a decoration at Christmas, 458
Beans, kings created by, 20
Bear-baiting, 385
Beating the Bounds, 210
Beating the Cross, 213
Becket, Thomas-a-, 338
Becket's Fair, 339
Bedfordshire, 151, 205, 290, 374. 439, 493
Bees, Superstition regarding, 451
Bells, 5, 62, 82, 87, 476, 496, 499, 500, 504
Beltein, 223, 269
Berkshire, 119, 152, 191, 194, 233, 346, 377, 439, 466
Bezant, festival at Shaftesbury, 207
Bible, opening of, on New Year's Day, 5
Biddenham Cakes, 165
Binding Tuesday, 188
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