Alleluia, Funeral of the, 45 |
Andrew's (St.), Under Shaft, 247 |
Anne's (St.) Day, 346, 357 |
Annunciation, Festival of, 180 |
Apparition of St. Michael, 275 |
Apples, given away on New Year's Day, 5 |
Apples, ducking for, on Halloween, 394 |
Apple-trees, wassailing of^ 450 |
Assumption of the Virgin Marv, 357 |
Bacchus, Verses written in honour of, 58 |
Bacon, gammon of, eaten at Easter, 162 |
Balmoral Castle, Halloween at, 401 |
Bartholomew's (St.) Day, 361 |
Bay, used as a decoration at Christmas, 458 |
Beans, kings created by, 20 |
Bedfordshire, 151, 205, 290, 374. 439, 493 |
Bees, Superstition regarding, 451 |
Bells, 5, 62, 82, 87, 476, 496, 499, 500, 504 |
Berkshire, 119, 152, 191, 194, 233, 346, 377, 439, 466 |
Bezant, festival at Shaftesbury, 207 |
Bible, opening of, on New Year's Day, 5 |