Birch, used as a decoration at
Whitsuntide, 281 |
Blessing of the Brine, 210 |
Bluecoats, worn on St. George's Day, 193 |
Boar's Head, at Christmas, 455, 470, 473, 477 |
Bonfires, 22, 61, 313, 395 |
Bounds, beating of the, 210 |
Bread, baked on Good Friday, 149 |
Brine, blessing of the, 210 |
Buckinghamshire, 6, 58, 69, 135, 169, 210, 234, 290,291, 314,323, 331,354, 373, 390, 419, 426, 467, 493 |
Buns, made on Good Friday, 150, 157 |
Burning out the Old Year, 506 |
Bustard, eaten at Christmas, 456 |
Cambridgeshire, 39, 105, 123, 234, 323, 334, 343, 419, 423,426,468, 494 |
Candles offered to St. Blayse, 62 |
Candlemas bleeze or blaze, 56 |
Card-playing at Christmas, 463 |
Catherine's (St.) Day, 426 |
Charles I., King of England, execution of, 50 |
Charles II., King of England, celebration of Twelfth Night by, 29 ; his Kestoration, 301 |
Cheese, given away at Christmas,
482 |
Cheshire, 69, 169, 195, 210, 234, 283, 314, 324, 405,409, 441, 446 |
Chimney Sweepers' Dance, 231 |
Chopping at the Tree, 167 |
Christ's Bed, making of, 158 |
Christ's Hospital, London, 179, 311, 374, 422 |
Christ's Presentation, 54 |
Christmas under the Commonwealth, 454 |
Christmas Decorations, 457 |