British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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Birch, used as a decoration at
Whitsuntide, 281
Black Cherry Fair, 357
Blaize's (St.) Day, 60
Blasius (St.), 60
Blayse (St.) Night, 62
Blessing of the Brine, 210
Blood Thursday, 500
Bloody Thursday, 148
Bluecoats, worn on St. George's Day, 193
Boar's Head, at Christmas, 455, 470, 473, 477
Boat Sunday, 449
Boggons, 32
Bonfires, 22, 61, 313, 395
Bounds, beating of the, 210
Bounds Thursday, 210
Boxing Day, 493
Boy's Bailiff, 287
Boy Bishop, 291, 432
Boyne, battle of, 337
Braggot, 117
Braggot Sunday, 117
Bread, baked on Good Friday, 149
Bread Mass, 347
Brices' (St.) Day, 421
Bride-Ale, 278
Bridget's (St.) Eve, 344
Brine, blessing of the, 210
Buckinghamshire, 6, 58, 69, 135, 169, 210, 234, 290,291, 314,323, 331,354, 373, 390, 419, 426, 467, 493
Bull-baiting, 369, 439
Bull-running, 421
Buns, made on Good Friday, 150, 157
Burning out the Old Year, 506
«Buryin Peter/ 333
Burying the Mace, 380
Bustard, eaten at Christmas, 456
Cake Night, 398
Cambridgeshire, 39, 105, 123, 234, 323, 334, 343, 419, 423,426,468, 494
Candles offered to St. Blayse, 62
Candle Bearing, 54
Candle Day, 428
Candlemas Ba', 57
Candlemas bleeze or blaze, 56
Candlemas Candle, 55
Candlemas Day, 54
Candlemas Eve, 52
Card-playing at Christmas, 463
Careing Fair, 118
Careing Sunday, 119
Care Sunday, 121
Carl Sunday, 122
Carlings, 122
Carling Groat, 123
Carling Sunday, 122
Carol Singing, 456
1 Catching,' 109
Catherine's (St.) Day, 426
Cathern bowl, 429
Cattern Day, 426
Chalk-back-Day, 370
Chare Thursday, 139
Charles I., King of England, exe­cution of, 50
Charles II., King of England, cele­bration of Twelfth Night by, 29 ; his Kestoration, 301
Charlton Fair, 387
Cheese, given away at Christmas,
Cheshire, 69, 169, 195, 210, 234, 283, 314, 324, 405,409, 441, 446
Childermas Day, 498
Children's Day, 177
Chimney Sweepers' Dance, 231
Chopping at the Tree, 167
Christ's Bed, making of, 158
Christ's Hospital, London, 179, 311, 374, 422
Christ's Presentation, 54
Christmas under the Common­wealth, 454
Christmas Book, 456
Christmas Box, 19, 493
Christmas Candles, 456
Christmas Carols, 457
Christinas Clog, 52, 452
Christmas Day, 452
Christmas Decorations, 457
Christmas Drink, 473
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