British Popular Customs Present And Past - online book

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512                                                 INDEX.
Christmas Eve, 446
Christmas Presents, 19
Christmas Sports, 463
Christmas Tree, 463
Clome, the, used in wassailing, 21
Cloth Fair, 363
Church-porch, watching in the, 200
Churches decorated, 157, 162, 280, 281, 457
Claudius Mamertus, Bishop of Vienne, 204
' Clavie,' the burning of, 507
Clement's (St.) Day, 423
Clipping the Church, 176
Cob-loaf stealing, 451
Cobbs, given away on St. Thomas' Day, 442
Cocks and Dump3, 67
Cock Crower, 92
Cock Fighting, 65,177
'Cock in the pot,' 39
1 Cock on the dunghill,' 39
Cock Penny, 79
Cock running, 78
Cock throwing, 78
Cocque'els, 81
Coelcoeth, 398
Coffin Crusts, 458
Cold Possett, 502
Collar of Brawn, 468
Collop Monday, 57
Columbkffl, 310
Columb's (St.) Well, 310
Commencement Day, 334
Compostella, Shrine of St. James at, 345
Coquerells, 81
Coquilles, 81
Corn Showing, 172
'Corning, going a-/ 443
Cornwall, 47, 58, 73,120, 121,128, 162, 216,235, 275,279, 302, 315, 324,338, 339, 378, 395, 431,446, 468, 501
Corpus Christi Day, 297
Corpus Christi Eve, 297
Coteswold Games, 292
Court of Array, 287
Coventry Show Fair, 300
Crab-Apples, gathered on Michael­mas Day, 376
Crabbing the Parson, 341
Crack-nut Sunday, 375
Cracklin Friday, 153
Cramp Rings, 49
Cresset-light, 317
Creeping to the Cross, 148
Crispin's (St.) Day, 388
Cross, Invention of the, 275
Cross Day of the Year, 500
Crowdie, 88
Crowning of the Cock, 487
Croyland Abbey, knives given away at, on St. Bartholomew's Day, 367
Cuckoo, 187, 192
Cuckoo Ale, 192
Cumberland, 29, 72, 159,163, 279, 291, 310, 315, 356, 419, 469, 501
Curfew Bell, 78
Cushion Dance, 253
Cuthbert's (St.) Day, 371
' Cutting off the fiddler's head/ 34
Cymhortha, 110
Cypress, used as decoration at Christmas, 458
Daft Days, 505
' Dart, throwing the,' 370
David's (St.) Day, 110
' Dead and Living Ford,' 17
Decoration of Churches, 157, 162, 280, 281, 457
Deptford Fair, 296
Derbyshire, 30, 39, 74, 99, 105, 128, 165, 170, 211, 237, 283, 302, 404, 409, 412, 446, 469, 502.
Desmas, one of the thieves cruci­fied with our Lord, 499
Devils' Knell, 452
Devonshire, 20, 59, 76, 100, 152, 212,217,237, 302,308, 324, 348, 446
• Dipping,' 5
Dipping Day, 235
Dirge Loaf, 410
Dish Fair, 387
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