Dogs, Whipping of, 386, 387 |
Dorsetshire. 30, 55, 152, 15<\
385, 441, 470 |
Dulce Domum, sung at
Chester School, 284 |
Dutton, family of, privilege
-1 to
license the Cheshire minstrels,
324 |
Edward IV. of England, his Coro-
nation, 498 |
Election of kings by beans, 24 |
Elizabeth, Queen of England,
accession observed, 422 |
Erconwald's (St.) Day, 422 |
Essex, 6, 94, 153, 171, 212,
280,378, 416,470 |
Execution of Charles L, Kin
g of
England, 50 |
Fern,superstitions connected with,
312 |
fiddler's Head, cutting off of the,
34 |
Fires, lighting of, on Eve of the
Epiphany, 22; on St Bla:ze's
Day, 61 j on St. John's Eve, 313 ;
on Hallow Eve, 395 |
Friars' Girdles, worn by ladies,
94 |
Funeral of the Alleluia, 45 |
G amnion of Bacon, eaten at Easier
162 |